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Day 17 - Your Highs and Lows this Year

I am going for last year - since this one just started.

Highs -
A month on a quiet graveyard shift.
A birthday party at the Aquarium
An awesome bridal shower for a beautiful bride.
A trip to Disneyland with the girls.
A beautiful wedding for an adorable couple.
Won a 3-D television.
Sold the 3-D television and bought a stainless steel refrigerator.
Watched adorable girls that I love become the first annual champions of the Urban Challenge.
Thrilled when another adorable girl became a volunteer for Make A Wish
Moved KayeLynn to the dorms so she could begin her dream
Moved into a dream position at work
Saw Key West, it's sunset and hung out with some awesome friends - drove through the glades and went to Tampa for a conference - - had soooo much fun

Lows -
Watched my little girl fight with nasty health problems and deal with unemployment - and I worry for her every day
Worried for my mama while she had open heart surgery
Dream job has been very frustrating - though it's more of a high than a low, I hate being frustrated

There are highs and lows every day - I want to think my life had more highs than lows.  If there is something other than those lows, they aren't significant enough for me to worry about.


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