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Showing posts from November, 2018

Facing Reality

This afternoon I went in for a mani and a pedi.  While in there, a little old man walked in and talked to one of the workers there.  Next thing I knew, he was walking in with a woman.  The woman was his wife and she seemed to be very frail and walked with a cane.  He walked her to a chair at the desk to get a manicure.  Just as she got to the chair, she realized she needed to use the restroom.  The gentleman gently and sweetly walked her to the restroom and waited for her, then walked her back to the chair when she was finished.  He then made himself comfortable on a chair in the waiting area while she got her manicure.  It was like one of the sweetest exhibitions of true and complete love I've ever seen. When you're growing up, you think of your parents as old.  Your parents never seem young to you.  I've suddenly realized that the memories I have of them, I am now older than they are in those memories.  Pictures I look at of them, they are younger than I am now.  Stil