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Showing posts from January, 2014

Get Off the Freaking Couch

I haven't been off the couch, with the exception to go to bed, sometimes eat and to pee.  Oh I did do the laundry.  I haven't combed my hair, I haven't brushed my teeth, I haven't changed my clothes.  That is how desperate the situation had become.  Not a pretty, but probably fragrant, sight. Dealing with some things with life, plus Saturday, I started feeling ill.  By Saturday night, I was throwing up.  I know - you don't want to know - but, it was what I was doing.  Ted is positive it's psychosomatic.  That I made myself sick.  He may be right, I don't know. I felt better yesterday.  But was just worn.  Worn out.  Worn to a frazzle.  Exhausted. My body hurts.  I'm avoiding Tylenol and Ibuprofen.  My doctor thinks they are messing with me.  When you have a hurting body and you're used to popping an 800mg Ibuprofen whenever you need and then you can't - your body feels it.  It's going to be a long three weeks. It's time to get up.