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Showing posts from February, 2018

Oahu With Chelsea

Chelsea is the second grandkid to get her one-on-one CoCo adventure.   I told her when I took her brother to start thinking about where she wanted to go.  When I brought Zach home, her mom told me she already knew.  When I was able to ask her, she said "Hawaii".  So, I took her hands into my hands and said, "Hawaii is really, really tricky.  I am going to do everything I can to get you there.  You need to have a backup plan in case it doesn't work.  And if we get there, hopefully we can make it home".   I never did hear where her backup plan was. Lei!! I asked on Facebook to one of the non-rev groups when the best time would be to get a buddy pass into and out of Honolulu.  The response I got was Super Bowl.  Well, it really was a pretty awesome time to go.  We probably could have made it on the direct flight Sunday morning, but it was a bit tight and I saw that the Seattle flight first thing in the morning had about 130 open seats - so I decided we woul