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Showing posts from June, 2014


Tomorrow marks two months from my official retirement from my old life.  I've now been working at my new job for about six weeks.  Here are some things I've found in that time: I love watching people.  I always knew that, but, the airport is the most amazing place to watch people, to see how people act, etc.   I have no idea how to recognize celebrities.  I don't know how many times I've had someone say, "do you know who that was?" and not realize who they are.  The only one I actually recognized I didn't recognize their face, I recognized their name as they were boarding. I was spoiled for 32 years.   I had a job that was sitting down - hence my Chelsea dubbed, "big, big butt" was born.  I am now on my feet and running and walking and standing and sweating.  It's awesome!!  But, I'm pretty much exhausted all of the time. Now I'm working at a place where you eat lunch and you are all together.  So seeing how differently people

Things That Make You Go HMMMMM - #29

I stopped at the bank on my way home from work today.  The lines were long - I am guessing that those people who get paid the 5th were all lined up there.  There is a Deseret Industries behind the bank.  Just as I pulled around the corner after finishing at the bank I noticed a Vespa type scooter came speeding out of the thrift store parking lot.  As I saw him cross in front of me, I noticed that he had a lamp sitting in front of him.  Not only that, he had a mirror and a framed picture of some type under his arm. He stopped at one of the busiest streets in our town, it's five lanes across, and it was the busiest time of the day.  Cars were coming one after the other.  I watched him dart across the first two lanes and sit in the middle lane.  I turned right from there and don't know if this freaky game of frogger was going to end well.  Hopefully, Mr. Dumb or Dumber made it all the way across and home.  I hope his redecorating goes well.