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Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Graduation Day
I call him my baby boy, but, in all actuality - he is a grown man.  And he turns 25-years-old today.  He is sweet and considerate.  He loves with his whole heart.

I have so  many memories of this sweet guy:
Hawaii - Pearl Harbor Anchor

I remember an independent stinker, who turned up missing, only to be found riding his big wheel down the busiest road in the neighborhood - at all of 2-years-old. I thought he was with his dad, his dad thought he was with me.  I ran, full bore and barefoot, down the road until I found him after a neighbor told me where he was.

So laid back
I remember a six-year-old, outside on the swing set, singing at the top of his lungs, "I Want Your Sex".  WOW!!

I remember a young Rodger, sitting down in the family room, playing his latest Nintendo game and when things didn't quite go his way, getting angry at the game on the television and cursing out at it, "Jean Claude Van-Damme it!!"

Handsome Uncle at his nephew's first birthday
That same young Rodger, sleeping soundly, whispering out in his sleep, "kiss me, kiss me on the lips".

I remember Grizzly Jim.

The two girls who have always been there and love him dearly
Giving me away
I remember a young man, suddenly the only man in a sea of women in his house, because his dad suddenly died.  This strong, compassionate, sweet 13-year-old boy - now thrust into the role of "man of the house".  This kid, who couldn't stand to see anyone with tears - trying to keep all these girls from crying in those first few days.  He would do anything to keep it from happening.  He would tell a joke or whatever it took - he couldn't stand to see us cry.  That same guy, who did everything to keep us from crying, suddenly broke and the first day back at school called me sobbing because he just couldn't take it - the questions from the kids, the questions from the teachers.  I rushed over as quick as I could to get him.

I remember this young man, about to graduate from high school, giving his mom away to a new step-dad at their wedding and standing up so strong to say that "he and his sisters give her away".

With the love of his life
Grown up and married
I remember a grown man, wandering through the grocery store aisles, explaining to his over-protective and unable-to-let-go mom that he wants to propose to the young woman that he absolutely loves and adores and causing that same mom to have a complete and total panic attack.  But, I wouldn't take this away from him for anything, because I know this young man loves with his whole heart - he loves with his full soul.  I knew when he gave his heart away, it was forever.
Wedding day - and mama has a hard time letting go

I hope you have a great birthday.  I love you with all my heart.  You are and will always be, MY BABY BOY.

P.S. I think it's time for a haircut and a shave!!!!


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