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Control - - whose got it?? Not me!! But, I try!

So, I have written about joining Weight Watchers and trying to get my butt in gear to lose weight and gain control of  my health and life.  How have I done?  I have gained eight pounds since my first post about losing weight - - yeah, that's pretty dang bad.  I want to blame the stress of dealing with crap; work, KayeLynn has lost her job and recently diagnosed with diabetes - no job means no insurance (except for that wonderful COBRA payment that is more than her unemployment), my mom is dealing with health issues.  It's extremely frustrating - because I cannot continue to blame anything other than myself for my issues - I love food, I love sweets and I have an extremely difficult time controlling myself when I am around temptations. And now it's the holiday season.

The last couple of days I have been watching the show Ruby on Netflix.  This is a reality based television show that is based on a woman who, in the first episode, weighs almost 500 pounds.  Never a sweeter woman will you see.  She is from Savannah, Georgia and the southern charm just oozes from every ounce of her being.  This is evident in the amount of true and loyal friends that are around her.  It's amazing how many people truly love her.  In the first season, she had lost a little over 100 pounds - now I am sure the network is paying the doctor, the trainer, the dietitian, the psychologist, the company that is providing her food - - I mean, she is having someone record her life, so I am guessing she deserves at least that much.  But, little old me, I can't afford that - so I have to go back to my roots.

Ruby has inspired me to get off my duff and get busy again.  So, the last couple of days, I have been back at tracking my points.  Today, I went and worked out.  It was rather humorous.  I did the bike for thirty minutes - I was sweating up a storm and was so excited to make it 10 miles and burn 140 calories.  I usually walk the track after I am done.  To make it a mile, you have to go eleven times around the track.  I usually go about five - do a ten minute walk and that helps me stretch out the muscles and such.  Well, I decide I am going to do a full mile - - I do a full mile around my neighborhood like it's nothing, but I haven't just done ten miles on the bike right before.  I think, NO PROBLEM!! It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.  I head out, and I am right behind this young woman.  I am keeping up with her no problem.  Halfway through the lap, this firefighter jogs past.  Get to the same point on my next lap - he laps me again.  He does this on every lap!!  He is doing two to my one!!!  I am slowing down really quickly after four laps.  My feet are burning, my shins are burning.  I am like, what the crap, I walk a mile without any problems.  I have decided to blame my shoes - since I usually wear a different pair.  The young woman I had been keeping up with eventually laps me on lap eight.  I decide on lap 9 that I have had enough - I have done twenty minutes of walking, I am not going to do the other three minutes it would take to do those last two.  As Ruby would say, "what the helicopter".  I am kind of kicking myself now for not doing those last two laps - what a wimp.  But, oh well, I will get them next time.  One day, I am going to graduate to weight lifting - - if I ever get the courage!!!


  1. Don't feel bad, I lost 9lbs in 5 weeks and then totally fell of the wagon and have gained at least half of it back already in about two weeks. It's so hard and unfortunately for us going to be a forever battle. Oh well, at least we eat at the parties and know how to cook yummy food!


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