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Interesting People - - - #9 and #10

My cousin Eva and I were chatting on Facebook and something she said made me realize how long it's been since I have written anything.  She told me I should tell my ghost story.  I may have to do that.  But since I haven't written, I thought I would talk about a couple of things that happened today.

Number Nine - #9 - Nine point OH:

Today I got my hair cut and colored and my eyebrows waxed. I have been going to the same hair stylist for the last few years.  She was born in Iran and is a Muslim woman.  She has lived in America for decades, along with her family.  Today she was talking about the anger she is feeling with her home country.  She is angry that they feel that they are above international law - by their burning of the Saudi embassy.  And she talked about them damaging or destroying the British and American embassies.  Then we talked about the radical extremists.  She talked about her religious lessons as a child.  She tells me that she doesn't understand how they attach their radicalism to her religion.  She explains that Muslims believe that if you kill yourself, you automatically go to hell -  even if you injure yourself intentionally, you are going to hell.  If you injure or kill someone else - you are going to hell.  So she doesn't understand how those that are suicide bombers are justifying with their religion that they are going to be welcomed into heaven and given gifts of virgins.

I don't tell you this for any particular reason other than it was very interesting to me.  In fact, I can tell you her views on certain things are much more conservative than mine.  That kind of shocked me.  But, the conversation was so interesting.

Number Ten - #10 - Ten point OH:

I was picking up a prescription today and there was a young girl there.  She was probably fifteen, maybe sixteen.  She was chatting with a young man, who I believe was her brother and he looked to be about fourteen.  I was eavesdropping - but what was going on was making me sad.

They were discussing how "mom doesn't have anything to say about it".  After listening a bit, I realized that they were discussing that the girl was pregnant.  She goes on to say that "he says that he is going to just walk away and to him we never dated".  And the young man starts talking about the fact that the girl really doesn't know who the father is.  They then walked up to a woman who was at the window at the pharmacy as the young man is telling her that he is going to make the baby a mini-me of himself.  The woman became visibly upset and told the kid to "shut up".  The two kids laughed at the fact that they had upset their mother.

For some reason this made me extremely sad.  I think about this young girl, so cavalier about this life changing event.  So cavalier about having sex and not knowing who the father is.  So cavalier in general and she may be responsible for a small human.  Young teens have been getting pregnant forever - I mean, I was a teenaged mother.  I was nineteen, but, still way young.  Some how, I'm sad for this mother, sad for this girl, sad for this baby.

Ho hum.  This was depressing.  I need to find something fun to write about next time.  Maybe a ghost story.


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