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Paris to Bordeaux - Day quatre

So, today was our train journey. We travelled from Paris to Bordeaux by train. They had us set up to fly to Bordeaux, but, we wanted to go by train. It's a three hour journey and I was sooo excited about it. We slept in this morning, we didn't need to check out until noon. We got up, got ready, and still had some time. So we took a little walk through the neighborhood and found the ATM. We walked through quite a bit of it. It was such a sweet little Parisien neighborhood.

After we checked out, we trundled our little behinds to the metro station. Both of us have huge bags and carry on type bags. The metro station by our hotel had stairs. It was quite amusing to see us get all of our baggage to the metro station and through the turnstiles. But, being the people we are, we did it!! We got to the Montparnasse station where we needed to get our high speed train to take us to southern France. We bought some sandwiches and desserts and sat down and ate while waiting for the time for the train. We then had to wait another 45 minutes til we could leave.

They wait until 20 minutes before leaving to announce which track you are leaving on, so when it does tell you which one, people are like running to get to the train. So, we get to where we need to go and there is no where to put our HUGE luggage, because, everyone else has their HUGE luggage there. So, Ted sits me down in our spot and he takes the luggage to put it down. While sitting there, I notice that NOBODY is speaking. This is like the library, there is no conversation going on!! Ted comes in and he starts talking in his normal voice. Well, I have a panic attack, because it's so quiet. So for our three hours on the train, we talk in sign language and mouth the words. We are sitting by the windows and there is one gentleman sitting by each of us. The only time I hear any conversation for the next three hours is when a mother and child are speaking - THAT'S IT!!! It was so freaky!! Along the line, I watch through the windows - it's so beautiful. SO GREEN!! I have a strange fascination with cemetaries, so everytime we pass one by, I have my nose completely pushed up against the glass. I see lambs, I see chickens, I see bunnies, I see a daddy teaching his two boys how to ride bikes in a pasture. It was beautiful!! The train travels up to 200 miles an hour - Ted has his GPS and it's showing 186 miles per hour. Everytime a train passes going the other way, it's like an explosion and I jump and make huge eyes that makes Ted laugh.

Au Revoir Paris, it was a joy to meet you!!

We make it to Bordeaux and take a cab to our hotel. It's sooo beautiful. It's sooo old!! But, it's pretty dang fancy schmancy!! The entire bathroom is marble with double sinks. They come in at night at leave Ted dark chocolate and turn down the bed, leaving our little slippers on a bathmat on the floor by the bed. WOW!!

We went and looked for a place to have dinner. I have to say, I'm pretty intimidated by the fancier places to eat. I've done fine at the little neighborhood stands and such, but, this restaurant at the hotel (which is supposed to be a brasserie, or bar, was kind of scary to think about). After having a bit of a breakdown because we couldn't find anywhere not intimidating to eat, Ted talks me into going inside and "looking around". The cutest little waiter takes us in and shows us around and teases me when I ask if we can eat there, because he said he thought we were only "looking around". We had a wonderful meal!! Ted had a chicken caesar salad. I had linguine with cream truffle sauce (there had to be three different types of cheese on it, plus they brought me more), rolls and butter (soo yummy) and glasses of white wine. We had ice cream for dessert, I had peach melba (two half peaches with three small scoops of ice cream, topped with homemade whipped cream and drizzled with strawberry glaze) and Ted had chocolate.

Tomorrow, we'll go explore the city and see what is out there. Bon Jour Bordeaux!!


  1. U & Ted are having to much fun!! And I'm happy for you both.
    Better to make huge eyes at Ted on the train, than a huge puddle! :)
    I'm not a big dessert person, but that 3 scoops of ice cream in a peach W/strawberry glaze sounds yummy. (-whip cream).

    Enjoy your trip & be safe!


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