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Paris - Day 1.5

Yes, I know we left yesterday, but this has felt like just one long day. So I'm calling it day 1.5

Our journey started with our ten hour plane trip. I thought, for sure, that with it being an international flight, we would have the coolest of planes. The kind with the television screens in the back of the seat in front of you and you could watch any movies you wanted. It wasn't. It was an older plane, the seat in front of me was rather worn and cruddy, the seam was coming out of the back. Anyway, it was rather unconfortable. I was freezing the first few hours. I pulled out my "Paris for Dummies" book and started reading. Still not knowing for sure how we were going to get to the hotel from the airport. The movie "Leap Year" was playing (they played three movies, the other two were "Crazy Heart" and then "Bride Wars". I didn't pay much attention to the movie, I kind of was mostly reading my book. I sure gained an appreciation for the flight attendants, they actually worked really hard on this journey. They went through and offered drinks and peanuts/pretzels. As soon as that was done, they brought dinner (they had Fiesta Chicken or meatless Lasagna Alfredo. When they got to the back of the plane where Ted and I were, there was only pasta left. It turned out pretty good, though - so my disappointment was short lived. Then they went through and offered drinks again. Then they go through with the duty free cart. Then about an hour and a half from Paris we were served a continental breakfast. It had a banana and a little warmed up breakfast sandwich. Was pretty good to get us through. Then we landed.

Then the start of the panic again, because we had no idea where to go to get us to the hotel. So, we just started asking. Eventually we ended up on the Air France bus, that took us to the Arc De Triumph. Amazing sight. We didn't get too close, because we were loaded with luggage. Ted met his little scam artist there. She reached down like she found a gold ring. Was trying to give it to him for "luck" and just wanted some money for a coca cola. I think she was working in a team and was a pickpocket, because there was a guy around the corner who was picking up the exact same ring when I walked by. I went over to the taxi stand and just started yelling his name. I wanted to beat Ted for just talking to her - I'm sure that she or her friend would have gone for his wallet in a short bit. We got into a taxi and was at the hotel within about five minutes!! WHAT A RELIEF!!! We are both exhausted. We hardly slept on the plane at all. I think we both got about three hours each.

Our hotel room is great!! We actually ended up with a king sized bed (we were booked for a full). Our cute bathroom has a very skinny tub. I took a bath when we got here, I just wanted to sit in warm water and get some kinks out. I changed my clothes, Ted changed his shirt and we were off.

We walked from our hotel to the Trocadero Gardens. They are directly down from our hotel. They are straight up from the Eiffel Tower. Since we hadn't really eaten anything since our little breakfast on the plane, we got a poullet panini (a bagette with cheese, tomato and chicken that is toasted) and a Coca Cola Light and shared it. We took our time and walked through the gardens and then over to the Eiffel Tower. It's all so beautiful, but the weather is rather chilly today. We decided against going up in the tower, since we could only go to the second level. They had closed down the top level temporarily. We decided to go back first thing tomorrow, when the lines are probably shorter and try to get up all the way.

This is our first view of the Eiffel Tower when we walked from the hotel.

This is where we met scammer number two. This woman all dressed in Hindu garb, walked up to me and asked if I spoke English. She held out a note that talked about her husband and children, someone had leukemia and something was wrong with her husband. I told her no. I was in line to get some popcorn for Ted and I to share on our walk back and when I got the change back, the woman was holding out her hand wanting me to give it to her. I feel bad if her story is true, but the chances of that are very slim.

We walked back up to the top and decided it was time for a real treat. The popcorn was just a filler. We got a crepe filled with warm melted choclate and then a full sliced banana inside of it. My gosh, that was just plain heaven and I'm not a chocolate fan!!

We are back in our room, the clock on this computer says that it's 10:08 a.m. (that would be the back home time) and we're completely done in. Ted is passed out on the bed. I think we're in for the rest of the day and then back up first thing tomorrow for a journey back to the Eiffel Tower and then a river trip on the Seine. So far, this is an exciting adventure!!

Editor's note: Ted would like me to add that he knew exactly what the litle scammer/pickpocket girl was doing the whole time. He thinks I made him sound like I rescued him from the pickpocket girl. He wants everyone to know that he was having fun messing with her mind.


  1. It sounds like you are having a great time. Take lots of pictures!! Missin' ya!

  2. I am soooo jealous. What an amazing adventure. Have a fabulous time!

  3. Yeah for you!! I'm quite jealous, and you tell Ted to keep his wallet hidden good.

  4. I walk with you in my mind! LOL It's alot easier to say no to scammer when working in the line of work we do huh! 80) Your awesome can't wait to hear all about it! 80)


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