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Kind of Freaked Out

I just had the oddest and freakiest experience.  And because I vent and get things out through writing, I'm writing it down.

I worked this morning.  When I was done, I headed home to eat some lunch and head to the dentist's office.  I'm working on an implant and I developed an infection around the implant, so I've had to go back and forth to my dentist to see if it was clearing up - or if it has to be taken out until the infection clears up.  The good news is that everything seems to be clearing up and that is good.

That is not what this is about.

My dentist is in Stansbury Park.  So - it's about a half hour drive from my house.  I headed there and got on U201 headed west bound.  When I got around the Kennecott area, there was just a strange heaviness to the air.  I remember just watching everything that was going on.  There were a bunch of train cars, that obviously hauled some type of natural gas or something.  There was an engine with a couple of other cars attached to it ahead of that and not attached to the gas-carrying cars.  There was a gentleman up there with a camera or something.  I thought maybe there had been some kind of train accident.  Down below, there was a couple of cars or trucks along the shoulder of U201.  There were a couple of guys standing around.  On the other side, down by the tracks was a UPRR truck and some workers around it.  I remember some of the men were wearing hard hats, just can't remember if it was the guys on the shoulder or the guys with the UPRR truck.   Plus there was a train heading west.  I literally was in this strange mode, where everything kind of went in slow motion, where I was paying very close attention to everything going on.  I truly felt like I was in some type of time warp. With just this odd sense of something bad has happened or is going to happen.  I got to the point that I thought maybe I was going to get in a bad accident or something - because it just felt like something bad was going on.

That feeling left me after I made it to the freeway and I went to the dentist and was out within a half hour.  The exit to 201 was closed down when I got there - so I had to go up I-80 to get home.  When I made it home, Ted called me from his dungenous office and asked me if I had seen the accident.  I told him I did not, that they had it closed down.  He then told me what happened.

A car going eastbound ran into two cars or trucks sitting off to the shoulder.  I am guessing they were the two that I saw, with the two guys there.  They were standing in between and were crushed and killed.  I looked at the news story and they had a picture.  It was a picture of exactly where I got the strange foreboding feeling.  The train cars were there in the picture.

I am so sad that I may have been one of the last people to see these guys.  Or even notice them.  I'm so sad that two families are going to have to deal with this sudden loss.  I'm so sad that the person that hit these guys is going to have to live with this forever.


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