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What a Week!!! Lovin' Life!!!

I had so many plans this week and I hardly did anything I planned.  And I'm ok with that!!!

Saturday - November 23:  My Thanksgiving.  I know most people celebrated on November 28, but, we had a large family Thanksgiving before.  Raja and Rustie couldn't come back down for the actual holiday and Brandon was probably going to have to work.  So - we just decided that this was our Thanksgiving.

Sunday - November 24:  Stayed home and worked on home stuff.  Was worn out from the previous day.

Monday - November 25:  Ted, Crystal and Zachary went to see Dr. Who at the theatre.  It was a special edition, in 3D.  It was crazy.  We all met for dinner and then they went to the movie and Chelsea, KayeLynn and I all came back to the house and played games and watched television.

Tuesday - November 26:  Crystal had class today, the kids got out of school early, so I went and picked them up.  We went to Grandma Great's house and helped her get Christmas stuff up.  The kids were having fun exploring in the treasures in the basement.  There is some stuff there that Ted and I have left there, so they ended up with a couple of treasures to take home before their mom came and got them.

Wednesday - November 27:  Started getting some of the Christmas stuff up.  Got the tree decorated.  Zach and Chelsea, along with Papa and I, went on a date to go swimming.  We had a great time.  The kids had so much fun.  We went back to the house and played games, watched shows and had hot chocolate and toast.

Thursday - November 28:  We decided that we weren't going to have Thanksgiving, so we went to see the Disney movie Frozen and went to Village Inn for dinner.  Before the movie, Ted and I did a Walking Dead marathon and watched about four episodes.  That show is very traumatic for me and causes me nightmares, so I've told him we can only watch during the day time. Not traditional Thanksgiving, but, it was ok.  And no work involved!!!  Ted also went and did some Gray Thursday shopping on the way to dinner and the way home.

Friday - November 29:  Black Friday.  Normally, Ted would have been up way early.  We went to a couple of places.  I threw a turkey breast in the crockpot, made some stuffing and mashed potatoes.  The biggest reason for doing this, I wanted to be able to have turkey sandwiches.   Ted had to work in Ogden, so I went along with him and wandered the grocery store he was at until I was exhausted.  I went through three times!!!  We then stopped at the Staples in Ogden and were able to find my new laptop that we had been trying to find since Wednesday.  It's so nice to have a new lightweight laptop!!!

Saturday - November 30:  Hung out at home for the most part.  Went to a couple of stores.  Ate turkey sandwiches for two meals.  :)

Sunday - December 1:  Cleaned house.  Did laundry.  Ted and I had such a great time swimming with the kids this week, we went back and went swimming and hot tubbing again.  It was awesome to get in the water.

Tomorrow I'm planning on a pamper day; nails done, pedicure, haircut.  Then it will be back to work for a long week.  I can't say that I haven't worked while off, I have answered emails, made phone calls.  It doesn't stop.  But, I can say, I did enjoy having an actual week off.  I haven't taken a full week off since Ted was in the hospital.  Can't say that was relaxing at all.  So, this was nice - nice to hang out with the kiddos and see them quite a bit.  Even though work was there, I can say I had  a great week off!!!


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