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Just Say NO

I went to my doctor yesterday.  It was all the usual.  Blood pressure is not ideal - STRESS.  We'll check your cholesterol because you stopped taking your cholesterol medication - STRESS.  Diet Coke doesn't help you lose weight - you wanna see STRESS, take that away from me. I've gained a thousand pounds - STRESS.  It sucks to be a stress eater.  But, I am.  My year started with Ted being in ICU for two weeks - during that two weeks, I didn't eat at all well - STRESS.  When he got home, he was 35 pounds lighter.  Then he did really well and went down fifteen more pounds.  I think most of that has returned - a true testament to our unhealthy lifestyle.  Couch potato lifestyle.   My mom got really sick and we didn't know if she was going to make it much longer - STRESS.  New job - STRESS.  Kids - STRESS.

I told the doctor that I had been looking at LapBand surgical sites, I just couldn't take it.  He told me that I shouldn't even consider it.  That I was still in a range that I could do it on my own - just had to make myself.  He told me to download My Fitness Pal and keep a diary of what I eat.  He says just journaling, people tend to lose weight just because they keep track of what they are eating.  I had it on my old phone, I had Weight Watchers on my old phone.  I have accounts with Spark People and WebMD.  So - I decided I was going to try it - again.  I need to build my confidence and just keep track.  I can truly survive on 1350 calories - so I just need to keep track, right?!?!?  Just say NO to 1351 CALORIES or MORE.

He also told me I need to exercise.  Yeah - I know.  But, when.  I have been working until 7:00 or 8:00 on days I work.  Days off - I don't even like to leave the house.  I know I need to exercise.  He told me to walk.  I hate to walk.  I hate treadmills more than anything.  Just say NO to TREADMILLS.

Today - I was on HULU and found a Yoga site.  So - I started it.  First off - I have a very sore toe, so that isn't conducive to downward dog and being on your toes.  I did the first 13 minutes - before the commercial, that is what I could that include bending at your toes.  I enjoyed the breathing - after that - nothing was good.  Just say NO to YOGA.

Decided to work on taking my Christmas stuff down.  Just say NO to CHRISTMAS on JANUARY 1.

I turned on Pandora to my Rhianna channel.  I started to dance.  I could feel my heart rate increasing.  I can't help but to dance.  It's in my soul.  When there is a beat, my butt starts to move, my arms start to move, my feet start to move.  I love to dance.  So - from this point on - I've decided I can do some dance.  I love ZUMBA, too.  So - on the mornings before showering and such, I think I shall turn on the music and dance. Ten, fifteen, thirty minutes.  Whatever I want I can make myself do.  JUST SAY YES TO SHAKIN' THE GROOVE THING!!  SAY YES TO DANCE!!  


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