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Christmas Sucked

Christmas just plain sucked this year.  Here are the reasons why:

  • Oven didn't work - either it took twice as long to bake something or it burned something.  I felt like dinner just wasn't great, good or so-so.
  • My son had to work until 6:00 on Christmas Eve - so he and his little family missed our Christmas dinner celebration.
  • Right after they got here - my poor Princess Poop, who was suddenly acting tired and listless - started to vomit.  So my daughter, son-in-law and two grandbabies ended up going home before opening presents.
  • I didn't take one freaking photograph!!!
  • I worked on Christmas - and within an hour of being there I stabbed myself in the finger and it took forever to stop the bleeding.   An hour after that, I broke a cap on my tooth which now has a jagged edge and is shredding my tongue.
I know - there are only five bullets.  But, they were big, freaking mortar sized bullets.  I spent much of Christmas Eve evening and Christmas morning in tears upset that my favorite day was "ruined".  

But, the Mary Sunshine in me made myself go to the positive side.  It really was a special holiday.  So here are some more bullets:
  • I honestly didn't think my mother would be around to see this Christmas.  She did and she actually is doing pretty good.  Hopefully she continues and will be here for next Christmas.
  • My handsome hubby was healthy and alive.  Last Christmas, he was pretty sick.  Christmas day he wrapped himself up in a blanket and didn't leave the house.  I'm so glad he made it through his nasty pneumonia that ended him in ICU.
  • While waiting for my son, daughter-in-law and baby granddaughter to arrive, we watched Christmas Vacation.  Nothing more amazing than listening to an 8-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl giggle and laugh at physical comedy and hijinx.  
  • I got to share my baby granddaughter's first Christmas.  Though she had absolutely no clue what was going on - I loved holding her and helping her open her presents.
  • A video from my daughter of my grandson opening up his present from Santa - a beautiful blue Tardis bookshelf made my day.  Hearing him squeak out an excited "thank you" when he saw his own Tardis.
  • Sweet pictures of a sweet princess making bracelets, playing games and passing out exhausted on the couch because she was still so sick.  
  • I went to work on Christmas Day.  I didn't have to, but, I wanted other people to get the chance to spend some time with their families.  It is a very laid back day to work.  Pretty quiet (other than a family in Sandy City having their house start on fire on Christmas day - sad).  I work with incredible individuals who sacrifice their family time on the holidays to be there for other people and their families.  
Look - two more good bullets than bad bullets.  And these bullets are nuclear bombs compared to the mortars.  Making a day good or bad is all in the perspective.  Though my little princess poop was sick, sick little girls like to snuggle and her mama loved snuggling her and loving on her all the day - perspective.  Working on the holiday is horrible, unless you bring food and sweets and find ways to just enjoy the time you are there - perspective.  Arriving late for Christmas Eve celebration is hard, until you are spending it as the first Christmas of your beloved baby girl - perspective.

Happy Holidays.  I'm off to clean up my mess of a Christmas celebrating kitchen and then off to the store.  It's time to start planning New Years.  :)


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