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Travelin' East

Ted and I are travelling again this weekend.  We leave Thursday to head to Kansas City, Missouri. On Friday, we drive down to Joplin, Missouri. Sunday, we head back to Kansas City for the night and leave VERY early Monday morning to come home.  We're going for Ted's 40th high school reunion.  He certainly robbed the cradle -   :).

I am a planner.  I am an insane planner.  This trip has been planned for months - with the exception of the hotels.  We are actually spending one night with Ted's sister and her husband - the very first night.  The rest is in hotels.  Ted wanted to check with his contacts to see if we could get a discounted rate somewhere.  Which we were able to take advantage of for our time in Joplin.  I was insistent that we spend the night prior to leaving for home in a hotel.  His sister lives 45 minutes from the airport.  Our flight leaves at 6:00 in the morning.  I would rather spend that 45 minutes sleeping in a bit longer - waking up at 3:30 in the morning is not my cup of tea!!!

The issue has been this hotel the night before we leave.  It is insane the differences. I am a crazy hotel booker.  I have to look at every review, every area, everything!!! I look at the hotel on a travel website, I then look at the hotel rates on the hotel website, I then look at the reviews and traveler pictures on TripAdvisor website.  I am obsessive about it.  I did not want to spend $200 for an overnight stay where we weren't going to take advantage of free breakfast because we would be at the airport before they even woke up to serve it.  I wanted a pool and a nice area, because I knew we would take advantage of that during our down time Sunday.  All of the more inexpensive hotels have the scariest reviews I have ever seen.  I saw pictures of cockroaches, mold, falling apart furnishings.   I have been looking for this for over a week and nothing was even clicking.  I finally found one this morning.  Six days before we go - if you know me, I do not do this - I have my trip ready and planned way in advance.  It's my packing I save until the very last second.

This is my very first trip to the midwest.  I am excited and I am nervous.  I've never been to tornado alley and it's still tornado season time.  So far, the weather is looking good.  By good, I mean it looks like there won't be any tornadoes.  However, this dry heat girl is going to temperatures in the 90's with humidity in the 70 percentile.

I'm looking forward to seeing Ted go back in time.  Seeing people he hasn't seen for a very long time.  Either you can or you can't - we'll see what it's like for him to go back home.


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