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Father's Day 2013

As I age, things are getting more and more jumbled.  I'm busier.  Ted is busy.  My kids are busy.  So, I truly appreciate when  I can get with my family and just spend time.  Spend time laughing, talking, visiting and remembering why we like each other.

Because we are a family that have crazy schedules, we are celebrating Father's Day today - Saturday.  I always wish that my other girls were close by so we could truly spend time with each other - all of us.

A lot has happened since the last one. Life is a crazy thing and you learn to appreciate every moment.  You never know how things can change.  It was Father's Day last year that Ted called his dad to wish him a Happy Father's Day.  He hung up the phone and said, "my dad is dying".  His Dad hardly had the strength to talk to him.  It was that night his mom had to call an ambulance to come and get him because he had collapsed in his chair.  He never went home again
and passed away a couple weeks later.

15-year-old me and my Daddy
Ted and I welcomed another grandchild, a boy, on April 29.  Babies are such a wonderful presence in our life.  They make us realize that life is humble and special.  We must realize how these small creatures count on us to get them through life.  We expect our seventh grandchild mid-August - a sweet baby girl.  My son, though not truly officially, will have his first true Father's Day.  I reflect and remember him as a baby and can't believe he is a man who is about to become the love of a little girl's life and the one to completely protect her against all evil in the world.  It's a big job and one I know he will embrace with every ounce of his being.  I expect him to be completely wrapped around her finger from her first breath.
Three of the DADS in my life

I miss the love of my life every day.  Though he wasn't perfect, he was my dad, my daddy. He was an amazing grandpa to my kids.  I love you dad. Happy Father's Day.


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