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San Diego

Ted and I had so much fun!!!  The one thing I know when Ted and I travel - we have fun.

We got to San Diego about 5:45 in the evening.  We rented a car, they told us that we could choose whichever car we wanted, between 16 and 45.  We get out there and there are these snazzy, sporty Dodge's and I am trying to get Ted to choose those.  He says, that one there sits up higher, we should take it.  When we get there, it's a Ford C-Max and it's a hybrid.  Ted is kind of anti-hybrid, because he swears that when the batteries have to be replaced, you have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars.  He wasn't anti-driving it though.  A hybrid vehicle is a different kind of vehicle, it doesn't have a key to turn.  You just have to have the key in the car.  That is a little different to get used to.  I explain to Ted how to turn it on and away we go.

On the Segways
By the time we get the car, get to the hotel, check in, unpack a bit and such, it's after 7:00.  We need dinner. We ask the front desk, she says to head that way (I think it was south), and we'll find all sorts of places to eat.  Yeah, no.  There was nothing.  We turn around and go north, find a couple of possibilities.  Head west, we're in the barrio and there isn't much there.  Turn around, head east.  Find another couple of possibilities.     We pass by a Peter Piper Pizza, I get kind of excited about that because that was Crystal's very first job.  After driving a bit, Ted suggests we go to Peter Piper.  So we went there and had a medium pizza, and took a couple of pieces back to the room.  We stopped at a 7-11 and picked up a 12-pack of Diet Coke ($6.39!!!) and some lottery tickets.  Needed to try and win the half billion!!

Saturday, we had booked a Segway tour of Coronado.  This was the thing I was very excited about.  We showed up really early and waited.  Our tour guide shows up and was not at all what I expected.  This woman has seen hard times - missing teeth, very skinny like she's been a meth addict - I was wondering what the hell I had gotten us into.  She ended up being a delightful woman with a lot of knowledge.  She grew up on Coronado, the child of a Navy Jag attorney.  Have you ever been on a Segway - looks like nothing.  Ah hell no, within thirty minutes, my feet are on fire. Then your calves start to ache.  Finally, your toes are going numb.  We only got off twice.  You start to figure out ways to move your feet around.  All in all, it was a great time.  Only one casualty.  I ran over some woman who was jogging.  I was turned and came around just as she decided to pass around me.  Knocked her into a bush.  OOPS.  Not all the way in, just kind of in.

I have an insane fear of bridges.  Coronado has a huge bridge.  It's the longest in the country or state (can't remember).  The second is the Golden Gate.  They curved it to make sure it was the longest. Then the barriers are only a couple of feet high - all I can imagine is hitting that just right and going over and into the bay. I had decided that I had to drive back over it - so I could conquer the fear.  Doesn't really conquer it, it's still there.  It was a terrifying drive, but, I did it!!!

Then we went to the Midway Museum.  Awesome!!!  Our legs were still exhausted and on fire, but, we stayed there for several hours.  Pretty much until closing time.  We had lunch on the Midway.  It was awe inspiring.  Seeing how those men and women live while on a ship - HOLY COW!!  The sacrifices they make.

Sunday was Sea World.  If  you sit in the soak zone - you will get wet.  That was definitely true.  I've not laughed so hard in a long time.  Watching those people run up the bleachers below us to get away.  This woman was wearing this very fancy dress.  All sheer on top.  She practically ended up in my and Ted's laps trying to get away.  I thought I was going to pee myself.

Yesterday, we went to the MCOR.  That information will be in a different post.

Keep looking - I put the pictures below!!!

The bridge

On the Midway  Three bunks - The mattress is uber thin - below that is
a storage locker for all their belongings

Plaque on the Midway

The Kiss statue

On the upper deck of the Midway - in front of a fighter jet

Anniversary dinner.  Yummilicious!!

It's a lizard - a big one - I petted him!!

Beluga Whale - awesome!!!

Polar bear

I just love this guy!!!  It's one of my favorite pictures!!

Sea turtle

You can barely see some of the shark teeth behind us
He was trying to be the shark.  HAHAHAHA!!!

If you're in the soak zone - Shamu will get you wet!!!

Very wet!!!!


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