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Christmas Letter

Every year, with my Christmas cards, I send a Christmas letter.  Last year, I just didn't have any ideas, so I let Ted write it and I added my "edits".

This year - I will share it here.  Just so you can see how twisted we really are:

December 2012

As you are aware, there are claims out there that the world is going to end in a couple of weeks because the Mayan calendar goes kaput – so in honor of our last days on earth – here is our final update.  Some of you may be very pleased to hear that!!

Theodore – whose Mayan name, Papa Ted, translates to Geeky Gadget King (a very high honor to be a king in the Mayan world).  Working until the last minute in the telecommunications field and is still active in the Civil Air Patrol.  He stepped down as Utah Director of Communications – though still active in that field (as nobody has the knowledge he does and can do what he does as the smartest man in the world).  He has been very busy going back and forth to Colorado helping his mother take care of his father’s estate.  To those who don’t know – Ted’s father passed away in July. 

Colleen – Mayan name, Grandma Coco – translates to Ornery Old Queen of Worrydom.  She hit the THIRTY year mark at her job.  She has been very busy at work and has little chance to take time off and to breathe.  She was project manager over the implementation of a new software that the dispatchers use and spent long hours getting things done.  Her job is in the middle of a lot of upheaval and she is doing what she can to help keep things running smoothly.  Right now she is also going to school, pretty much full time, so that she has options available in the future – if she decides to move onward.

Ted and Colleen went to Cancun, Mexico in February and had the MOST marvelous time – we actually went on a Pilgramage to many Mayan sites – and talked to Mayans – they told us that the world really wasn’t going to end; we just figured it best we didn’t take any chances.  They also went to Phoenix, Arizona to visit Randi, Joe, Aedynn and Lydia at the beginning of October.  Colleen went to Baltimore and Niagra, Ontario for work.

Brandon and Crystal – Mayan names: Brandonie and Kisso; The Rail Warrior and the Vegan Goddess.   They left Christmas morning with their kids and headed to Disneyland – the trip was a surprise to the kiddos who had no idea when they woke up Christmas morning at their grandparent’s house in Milford, Utah what was going to happen.  Brandon and Crystal, along with four of their friends, headed to Akumal, Mexico the same day that Ted and I headed to Cancun on a trip that Crystal and LaDayna won as winners of the Urban Challenge.  We all flew on the same plane together.  They had an amazing time.   A couple of days after they got home, Brandon went to work in New Orleans and was gone until early June.  Crystal was able to go visit once and then take the kids another time – Brandon and Zach drove home from New Orleans on a guy’s road trip.

Joe and Randi – Mayan names:  Yosef and Randini; The Mine Warrior and the Desert Goddess.  They made the decision early in 2012 to move closer to Randi’s mother in Glendale, Arizona.  They, along with Aedynn and Lydia, moved to a lovely home there.  They are busy adjusting to the heat and the new scenery.  Randi and the kids went with her mother to the western coast to visit Randi’s brother’s wife and daughter – taking time to visit the beach and see the scenery there.  Joe has been in New Jersey for the last few weeks with work assisting in the clean up of Hurricane Sandy.

KayeLynn – Mayan name: Marie Bug; translation, Lady Bug Princess.  She, as is unfortunately normal for her, has been dealing with health issues and problems.  A stress fracture in her foot took her off work for approximately eight weeks.  During that time, it was noticed that she had a problem in one of her eyes – it’s almost like having macular degeneration – but in one eye.  They don’t anticipate that she will be fully affected by it for decades, but, scary just the same.  On the up side of her life, she should be able to graduate from the University of Utah with her degree either in the spring – depending on what enhancements she decides to add to her degree.  It’s been a long haul for her – but, she is a trooper and never gave up.  She is working for a rehabilitation/nursing home while trying to finish school.

James Rodger and Drew Rustie – Mayan Names Raja and Dustie; the Warrior of Light and the Photo Goddess.  Both are still going to Utah State University – Raja is very close to completing and getting his degree in Technical Theatre.  Rustie is studying Photography and doing well.  Raja still works for Walmart part time, but took his hours down to part time to accept a full time job at the Utah Festival Opera with Rustie working there part time.  Unfortunately, they were both laid off within a couple of months; but, fortunately found new theatre jobs at the Eccles Theatre in Logan.  They are doing very well and still disgusting in love!!

Melody – Mayan name DeeDee; Idaho Princess.  Continues to do extremely well at her position at Home Depot – and is currently an appliance associate there.   She and her beau, Adam, are expecting a child together in June 2013.  We are waiting to see if we are getting a new grandson or granddaughter.  She continues to be an amazing mother to Gabriel and he is looking forward to being a big brother. 


Aedynn – 12 years old – The Tardis Prince -  interested in Dr. Who, Star Wars and Legos.  In the 6th grade and is a normal, back talking teenager – much to the chagrine of his parents.

Zachary – 7 years old – The Prince of Ninjago - interested in Skylanders, Legos and Super Heros.  In the 2nd grade.  Loves to go to gun shows with Papa Ted (which is great – cuz I don’t have to go)

Chelsea – 5 years old – Princess Diva - interested in dance, Monster High and anything in cheetah print.  Loves to embarrass her mother by asking for Boos(stuffed animals, “mom, can I have some more boos?”) or yelling about bombs in public.

Lydia – 4 years old – LaLa Princess - interested in ballet, coloring (we spent a lot of time coloring) and the color purple. One of the most vivid imaginations I’ve ever encountered.

Gabriel – 4 years old – The Hero Prince - interested in anything super hero, especially Batman, rocking out on the air guitar and has an amazing giggle.

They all have such vivid and amazing imaginations and intelligence.  I am thrilled every day to hear anything that they have to say or do.  They are the lights of our lives.

We hope you have a great end of days.  If we make it to Christmas, we hope yours is a happy one – and an even better New Year!!!


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