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Happy Birthday ME!!!!

I had an awesome birthday!! Thank you very much for asking!!

I started the day by going to water aerobics. Now, that was an hour in the water and I really enjoyed it. I got out of the water and went to put my clothes on and realized I had forgotten my bra. Now, I'm not 20 and perky anymore, it was quite the quick trip out the door and to my car - wet hair in the 30 something degree weather.

My family all met up and we went to Pei Wei for lunch. YUM YUM!!! Lettuce wraps and edamame for me. It was lots of fun.

After that, we headed to the aquarium. I hadn't been there since it had been moved. At the Gateway, it was this little building that took about 15 minutes to get through - now it's quite the large building. I watched the octopus get fed, I touched the stingrays and starfish. I watched the jellyfish. I absolutely LOVED the penguins. They were my favorite. That was my annual kid party.

This year, I also had a grownup celebration!! My son got a gig doing lights at the VooDoo Darling Burlesque Show, called Love Makes the World Go Round. OK, some of the dancing wasn't great, but it was FUN!! It was different and fun!! And, the lights - - AWESOME!! (My son is a creative genius, I do say). Anyway, it was a lot of fun - even the girl giving her girlfriend a lap dance was rather hilarious - - Ted and Brandon really wanted to trade seats with Nancy!!

Then, today, I went to work. I love working Sundays - - they are slow and easy going. My BFF, Elaine, was awesome enough to work the first four hours of my shift so I could sleep in after my late night of watching scantily clad women dance. When I got in there, the kids I work with (and my BFF) had bought me a cake, a rose, a card and covered my desk and chair in rose petals. It was so adorable.

What an awesome birthday weekend!!! Thanks to everyone who made it so wonderful!!


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