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Can Anyone Truly Have Control?

So, I have decided to try and take control of my life. I really have no clue if I will be successful, but, I am in need of some control. There is really very little I can control outside of my own little world, so, I may as well try and control what I can.

First line of business: I am trying to regain control of my health and well being. I have re-joined Weight Watchers for the umpteenth time. I am going back to my roots. When I first started on this journey, Weight Watchers is where I began. I had success on it. I felt great for the first time in a "brazilian" years. They have an awesome new plan where you can eat all the fruit that you want. I'm LOVING it!! OK, so I've only done it for a little over a week, but, so far it's been great!!! I am really scared that I am not going to lose weight like I want to; according to the leader I talked to, my use of HCG probably is going to make it more difficult to lose weight. I decided when I signed up, though, that I was doing this for my overall health and not just to lose weight - if I can just make it an effort to get control of my health, then I am going to be fine. On top of that, I have canceled my Curve membership and I am going to go join the Fitness Center. I am hoping I can make myself go at least two to three times a week. Zumba looks fun and I love water aerobics, so let's see how this goes!!

Second line of business: Continue on the path of paying of my debt. I have been trying to follow Mr. Ramsey's plan and I am really close to paying off card number one. I am very excited about that. I have made some pretty big sacrifices in order to get this close - bye bye pay television. I have found that I really don't need cable or dish to live happily ever after - Netflix and the computer age has made it so I can watch nearly everything I have ever wanted watch. Plus, I have found some fun new shows that I never watched before; Weeds, Nip/Tuck - all the while saving myself over a hundred bucks a month.

Third line of business: not let the bitches get me down!! Sometimes, it is just plain hard not letting the hate, discontent and unhappiness of some people get to me. There are just some people who go out of their way to be unhappy. It really does amaze me how some people let the stupidest things rule their lives. It's amazing that you can really let something stupid rule your attitude - well, I'm not going to let you get to me anymore!! I don't care what you think!!!

Fourth line of business: just live everyday to the fullest. Spend time with my hubby, my kids, my grandkids and my friends. Why do I need any more than that, really? If there is something more important than that, then someone please let me know what it is - because I just can't see it.


  1. You'll do great Leener!!! I agree with the negativity thing I've been trying to not let it affect me but sometimes it's hard not to slip into that hole when everyone else seems to be jumping in. Living life to the fullest and enjoying those positive family, friends, and things around you is the best thing about taking control. I beleive our life is like a wheel and if you have uneven peices in your life the "wheel" won't run smoothly down the road. But if you stay positive and do what you need to do, then it's alot easier to roll along down the road. If you don't get my anology I'll draw it out for you next time I see ya...heck maybe I'll just write a blog about it. 80) Go Get It Girl!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ironically, at the same time you've decided to take control of your life, I decided to just let it all go. Freal. <-- New favorite word, btw.'s to taking control & losing it...Good Luck to us both! :D

  4. Colleenie, I like your thinking. You go. And I'm thinking about doing Zumba also. Sounds fun.
    And my DIL loves this Mr. Ramsey.


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