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As most of you know, I've been sick. I've been very sick. It started with a slight sore throat the Friday before Halloween. Luckily, I was able to make it through the holiday weekend with just some minor irritation. I went to bed on Sunday night with the plan of waking up for work the next morning. I woke up at about 1:30 and was WAY sick. I felt like a vise was squeezing my chest and was just miserable. I called work and my very best friend, Elaine, told me that Jen was working for four hours in the morning, so I told her to put me down for time off until 10:00 and I was sure I would feel better by then!! I was so wrong!! I had to call in sick for work. I have not called in sick for work in forever!! But, there was absolutely no way - but, I still felt guilty!!

Tuesday, I was supposed to work at a polling location for the election. I was sure I would be better for that. I even got up and forced myself to make some pumpkin cookies to go with my bag of food to feed me for the long day. Come about 4:00, I knew there was no way I was going to make it. I had to call the County Clerk's office and tell them I wasn't going to make it. I figured it would be better than trying to find someone at 5:00 Tuesday morning. It was horrible, because I love working the election and was so sad that I wasn't going to get to play. I was very sad to miss it. So, now this horrible cold was costing me Christmas money - it cut into the personal leave (sick time) I was cashing out and now I wasn't going to get paid for working the election, either.

With the exception of my four-hour shift on Wednesday and meeting Zach and Chelsea at "Old McDonalds" for an evening of play and food, I have spent most of my time on my couch for the last week. Not doing much of anything but playing on the computer, watching television and coughing.

With this nasty gaumboo (sp) I have developed the nastiest of coughs. It was a deep down in my chest take over your entire body spasm of a cough. When the cough would take over, pretty much nothing I could do until it finally stopped. Unfortunately, with that horrible, rotten cough, came the worst of side effects. As an old woman who has sprung three wonderful children from my loins, came the wonderful world of bladder control issues (the ones most women face). Whereas, with that wonderful affirmity, when I would cough, I would leak a lot of the time. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I am talking about peeing my pants. The cough was so ravaging that I would not be able to cross my legs, I would not be able to squeeze my thighs, I would not be able to do anything but wet myself. It has been horrible. And on top of that, with the over-the-counter pharmaceutical cocktail I have been taking to try and help control the cough - that urine stinks like a chemical spill of the nastiest degree!! I am surprised that hazmat hasn't showed up at my house to put out placards to warn people away. It's been a horrible, miserable, nasty, disgusting, bad chest cold, peeing myself and hating it week!!

Now, I know you all think I am crazy for sharing, but, why would I want to wallow all alone in my misery? I figured I should share it so you all could be happy you are not sharing the same - or completely empathetic because you were.


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