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For some reason, Halloween is my very favorite holiday. I don't know if it's the weather. I don't know if it's the kids. I don't know if it's the heathen inside of me. Whatever it is, it's my very favorite. And though I don't know if I agree with the whole trick or treat on Saturday when Halloween lands on Sunday, I have to say what happens is that Halloween becomes not just a day, but a whole weekend!! It's quite awesome and it started on Thursday.

Thursday was Zachary's class party and Halloween parade. This is kindergarten and so fun!! I got to see his teacher for the first time, what an awesome lady!!

Then on Friday, Crystal, Zachary, Chelsea and I went to my work to do some trick or treating there. It's kind of been a bit of a tradition since Zach was born for us to go. It was a lot of fun. We started out by going to "Old McDonalds" and having lunch after Chelsea got out of preschool.

Saturday, in Utah, was trick or treating day. It was so fun. Crystal and Brandon brought the kids over early, so we could see them. I was so happy they squoze me into their very busy day.

We kind of go a little crazy at my house for the trick or treaters. I make whole bags of goodies for the kiddos - that include a package of microwave popcorn, a couple of candy bars and a small little treat (like a spider ring) and put them all in a Halloween quart baggie. We had 75 this year and we ran out!! We had extra candy and popcorn on hand, so we didn't run completely out of stuff. Plus, Ted had some glow sticks that he gave out, which the kids thought were awesome. It's hilarious to listen to Ted give out the treats to the kids. Usually I would try to take over, but listening to him is absolutely so much fun. He tries to make the kids trade him for a treats. He also will try and talk them into cup of soups and cat food. It's kind of crazy - and the kids always remember him from the year before. We had these young girls show up and were just a giggling because they knew his schtick and wanted to know if they were getting ramen!! This year he even dressed up a bit!! It was pretty awesome!!

Then Sunday, the real Halloween, my little Princess Chelsea turned three!! She had an awesome birthday party at a little place called Sugar Space. They had a jump house and music playing. We all went up and danced the chicken dance, the macarena and a freeze dance. There was a pinata and cake. It was a lot of fun and turned out perfectly.

So, you can see what my wonderful, exhausting weekend was like. Even though I started getting sick on Friday and today I'm completely, totally sick, I had a great Halloween weekend!!

And to end this with, my stepdaughters sent me pictures of all of my other grandkids that live out of state in their costumes - - so here are pictures of them, too!!

Aedynn and Lydia, who live in Alabama are pirates. Gabriel, who lives in Idaho, is Batman.


  1. Man you sure stayed busy! Ted costume is awesome!!!LOL

  2. Oh how fun, I need to take Ireland to your house next year.

  3. What a busy weekend you had! Now I need a nap.


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