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Broken Heart

So, my heart is broken for a very sweet guy tonight. I have known Mike (or Mikey as I call him) for several years. He and my son, Rodger, have been best friends pretty much since junior high school. They have remained that way through high school, college, being roommates, moving apart, etc.

Rodger and Mike lived together for about two years. They both decided they wanted to go to school. Rodger was going to go to Utah State and Mike worked very hard to get accepted to an art school in Arizona.

Mike has always been kind of a lost soul to me. He has this extremely rough exterior and does not let people in. I love to tease him and make like I'm going to hug him (and sometimes I do), because he makes these odd noises and tries to get away. He definitely has boundaries where his personal space is concerned.

He went to school durin the summer and had a bit of a break before the fall semester started, so he went home. His mom had moved to the Denver area and that is where he went. Mike, his mom and his stepdad were heading back to Arizona to take him back. They stopped in Price to spend some time with his grandmother. Sometime last night, and I don't know the details, his mother passed away. He has told my son that he thinks she either had a blood clot somewhere or some type of asthma attack. Either way, this lost soul, who didn't have many people to count on, lost probably the most important person in his life. I am so very sad. I am broken hearted for this kid that I can't even explain it.

I spent most of my shift today in my office crying as silently as I could. Every time I thought about this, the tears would just flow. I hoe Mike knows how much I really do love him and I hope he knows that he can lean on his best friend, his best friend's mom and the rest of his best friend's family.


  1. This post made me very sad. It is always so sad when someone loses someone very special to them especially a young somebody. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.


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