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Ted is so freaking good to me. I have to say, of allllll my husbands, he knows how to deal with me very best. Even in those very small, few times that we are fighting, he doesn't really fight with me. Ted has all these crazy idiosincrasies that absolutely drive me INSANE - - one of them is that he likes to buy stuff. But, when he buys stuff, he'll buy more than one. When he comes home, he'll say "look what I bought you". Like he really bought it for me!! Ha ha ha!! One of the things he has bought in the past is lunch meat - deli sliced turkey, especially. So, yesterday, I came home to put groceries away, and there was absolutely no room in either of the two freezers we have stuffed full. I absolutely blow a gasket!! I start dragging stuff out. I start re-arranging. I start moving stuff around. There are probably a dozen packages of sliced turkey, three packages of bologna, ten packages of hot dogs. All great deals Ted has found. I finally get things re-arranged and the new groceries put away. I send him the following text message:

let me preface this by saying I love you...I adore you... but, I am putting my foot down!!! you are NOT allowed to bring home anymore lunch meats, sliced meats, hot dogs, etc until some of the crap taking up room in my freezer is thawed out and eaten!! I cannot fit the FRESH meats that you and I are supposed to be eating in the freezer cuz of all the other crap!! I love you!! and thank you!!

Know what his response is??? His response is "OK. XOXOXO". How do you even respond to that?? I just love that about him. I assure you, he's not a meek and beaten soul (cuz I kinda sound like a lunatic in that text message that just nags and harps on him). He just lets me rant and rave and deals with me.

Theodore - I love you!! Thanks for being the bestest husband in the land!!


  1. U know they do say the 8th husband is the best!! j/k.
    LOL, it's usually my hubby that is throwing crap out of the freezer cuz we haven't use it in a LONG time & he's sick of moving it. I do like to stock up on good buys of block cheese. :)

    And my hat goes off to that LONG text u sent him. I HATE to text. If I had to text all that u just did, I would of just dialed the phone. His reply, now, that is how I like to text. Short & sweet!


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