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I'm up in the middle of the night. For some reason (probably age and hormonal changes, i.e. menopause) this is not uncommon for me. Usually in the winter, I sleep ok - because I'm married to igloo man and we have the window open whether it's 50 degrees or -5. Although I tease him about trying to freeze me to death, I actually sleep pretty good when it's cold outside. For some reason tonight, though, I'm awake and it's 2:00 in the morning. I tend to have to get out of bed when I start thinking or worrying about something. It's not normal stuff that I worry about, either. When Zach was about 18 months old, I woke up in the middle of the night once and started worrying that a mountain lion would come into Crystal and Brandon's backyard and attack him. It's not like they live in the mountains, at all, they live in Millcreek!! But, I laid there terrified worrying about it and had to get up. When I'm fretting about something, it usually involves my grandbabies or my kids. Usually the only way to fix it is to turn on the television and have something to concentrate on other than what I'm fretting about. Tonight I'm up worrying about my diet that I'm starting tomorrow. I kept thinking about it and had to get up and read the manual to make sure we were going to do it correctly. Actually, I'm probably worrying more about KayeLynn being on the diet than myself. I've already done it - but, she hasn't. I want it to work for her so badly!!

But, since I was awake, I decided to play with my blog a little more. I figured out why it was such a mess. Yes, everytime you try and add something, it clogs it up a little more and a little more. So everytime I tried to change my background, it just stacked up with all the rest of the crap. So, when I figured that out - I was able to change my background. Then I realized I could move stuff around a little more. So - in the end, it was productive insomnia!!


  1. I'm not completely sure its age or hormonal reasons! Cuz, I do it too! And I LOVE your cute blog!

  2. U know who else is up at 2AM? Hmmmmm. U can always call me & we can talk "blog". ha ha.

    Do u have these nasty crappy "hot flashes"? That's what wakes me up!!


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