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Today is Brandon's birthday. Brandon came into my life a little over five years ago. I was telling my daughter, Crystal, that I was thinking of internet dating; you see there were a couple people at work that said I had been single long enough and that I needed to think about dating again. Crystal told me that I should do it, too. Then she told me that she had gone on a web site and that she had gone on a date with a guy she had met from the dating site. My very beautiful daughter was on a dating site. Well, next thing I knew, they were dating kind of regularly.

I met Brandon one warm spring evening. Crystal, Rodger and myself were trying to get the Camaro (AKA Satan's car) from Skywest to our home. It made it to 700 North Redwood before it died. We had to have it towed to he mechanic (a very familiar place for that piece of silver junk). Brandon came to the scene and that is where we met. We kind of bonded that day over words and Chinese food - you see we were both liberals in our way of thinking and we have always seemed to get along.

It's crazy to think how fast things happened from there - he became the father of my grandson and my son-in-law in a very short time. A few years later, he became the father of my granddaughter. He and Crystal make very beautiful children.

Brandon and Crystal were kind of made to be together. The term "made for each other" seems perfect for them. They are a great couple and team. I know there are times that they drive each other a little crazy - but, don't we all!!

There is one thing I really want him to know - I love the man he is and I appreciate all he does, not only for my daughter and grandchildren, but for everyone. He is truly a giving person - and I love him dearly. Happy Birthday, Brandon!


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