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CoCo vs. The Cat - the Cat Won

You know that story about the family that locked themselves in the bathroom when the cat went crazy and started attacking them?  They called 911 to get help.  This is the story here:  crazy kitty!  Now, to my story:

Sherlock is not 22 pounds, but he's a pretty big kitty cat.  He and I have never had a problem ever.  I went to watch my pretty Penny while her parents ran up to Ogden and back.  I had to go to the potty, so I put Penny in her play saucer and ran in the bathroom.  I kept all of the doors open on the way, so I could hear her.  First the dog Ozzy came in and wanted attention (while I sat there) and I rubbed his little ears and gave him a little pat.  Then Sherlock came in, I rubbed his head and petted him, he rubbed up against me.  Now, I always thought that was a sign of affection, I may be wrong.  I finished my business and washed my hands and walked out.

The sound of the toilet flushing was still in the air when I hit the doorway.  Sherlock turned and hissed at me and made a growl.  I thought that was strange.  He kept up the growl as we walked to the living room where Penny was.  Being the helpful mom, mom-in-law, grandma, I thought I would pick up a few things; toys, fold up the blanket - just some little things.  All the while, Sherlock is growling and hissing at me.  I keep telling him he's a crazy cat.

Penny is still in her play saucer and I walk into the kitchen to take a bottle or something to the trash.  I walk back in, Sherlock is on the back of the couch and swipes out and scratches my arm.  Now I'm starting to freak a little bit.  I yelled at him and he went crazy!!!  He started to lunge toward me, growling and hissing and following me wherever I went.  I didn't know if he was trying to protect Penny or what was going on.

Starting to get freaked out, I called my son and told him his cat was insane and I was freaking out.  He tells me to put my phone on speaker.  I did that and dropped the phone in front of the cat.  He starts to yell at the cat.  Doesn't phase him at all.  I am terrified to even get close to this crazy loon to pick up my phone.  Mama gets on the phone and yells, "Goober, knock it off".  He understood that and kind of walked away long enough for me to get my phone picked up.

He's still growling at me.  I pick up Penny and we go sit on the couch.  They have a corner unit and there is a spot that fits one with an armrest that folds down with a drink holder.  My Diet Coke was sitting there.  The cat sits on the other side of the arm rest and stares at me.  Continuously stares at me.  I call my daughter Crystal and she is laughing so hard at my story she can't even talk.  I call KayeLynn and she is convinced some poltergeist is attached to me and the cat can see it.  All I can think of is Patrick Swayze in ghost making the cat go crazy.

Penny and I sit there for about 45 minutes and she gets tired.  I take her upstairs and rock her and give her a bottle.  I close the door because I'm afraid the cat will come in and follow us.  Penny sleeps for a minute then wakes up and is ready to go again, so we head back downstairs.  The doggies want to go potty, so I head downstairs to let them go out.  The door to the backyard is down in the basement and I have to head there to let the dogs out.  I let them out and wait for them to come back in the house.  I start to go up the scary basement stairs to back up.  I have Penny in my arms.  Who is sitting there?  Sherlock and when I start up the stairs, he starts to make this crazy meow sound.  I turn back around and go sit in the little desk chair that is sitting there and wait for my son to come home.  Because I'm not chancing going up the stairs.  Shortly after that, my son and his bride arrive home to get the kitty.

Ten minutes later, I'm running out the door, because I am scared of the kitty.  I forgot my book and my jacket.


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