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Things That Make You Go HMMMMM - #11

I spent the last couple of days in Wendover getting some rest and relaxation with my BFF.  Now, how that is relaxing, I surely don't know - because we got there Sunday around 1:30 in the afternoon.  We didn't even take our luggage to our room until about 10:00 that night and then we were playing until 2:00 in the morning. Sunday was a really goooood winning day.  Monday - not so good.  I can say I brought home a few dollars to live on until payday. For those of you who may read this post and don't know what Wendover is; it's a very small community that is split between Utah and Nevada - about a ninety minute drive from our homes in the Salt Lake Valley.  There is an accumulation of casinos on the Nevada side and it's a little haven that Utahns go to to freely give up their money to the one-armed bandits, blackjack/poker dealers and roulette wheel/crap table operators.  However, this is not why I go HMMMMM.

I was driving Ms. Elaine home and we were on I-215.  At about 4500 South, we see an SUV parked along side the freeway.  There was a woman there with the vehicle.  She was wearing a black bra type top and a black and white skirt.  Her hair appeared to be up in a bun.  Now, I'm not really sure on the attire, as we were driving at 75 MPH down the freeway.  What caught our eye was the fact that she was standing on the spare tire attached to the back of the vehicle - so about five feet up in the air to where she had to climb.  That is right - on top of the spare tire, looking over toward the buildings there.  Her skirt was hiked down around her knees - Elaine noticed that more than I did.  And then she had her bra type top on - which I am assuming at this point was just her bra.  She was atop the tire in a squatting type position, which could best be described as a defecation type position - butt out.

In hindsight, I am hoping someone called the authorities to check on these strange happenstances, however, I think Elaine and I (as police trained observers), kind of looked at each other and said, "what the hell was she doing?" and continued on our 75 MPH drive.



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