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Things That Make You Go HMMMM - #9

Ted has been involved in Civil Air Patrol since the terrorist attacks in 2001.  It was his way of giving back.  He has worked his way up and has worked very hard there.   He was Director of Communications for the State of Utah for several years and received many accolades and awards for his hard work.  AND, I can assure you he has definitely put in a lot of work, all volunteer and unpaid, for it is something he truly believes in.

The last couple of years, there has been a decline in his motivation for being there.  Where he used to enjoy his time there - he no longer does so much.  It's not the same place as when I first met him - the participation is down, the unhappiness is up.  But, he continues to go every week - unless something else precludes him from doing so.  I truly hope it gets better soon - because I know it's something that he enjoys.
Difficult to see his name - but it's top center.

Tonight he went.  He happened to notice something out of the corner of his eye.  It was a plaque that he has probably passed by every week for several years.  It lists the people over the years that they considered the "best of the best" in the senior members - in other words, the grown up volunteers.  You see, they haven't been the best the last couple of years at having their annual banquet like they have in the past - something that Ted always enjoyed spending a whole day at.  It includes a great deal of classes, lectures (Ted usually would teach one or two classes) and closes in the evening with a more formal banquet.  Anyway, the thing that caught his eye was the winner of the "Senior Member of the Year" for 2008.  He was flabbergasted - it was his name.  He had absolutely no idea that four years ago he had won this award.  He had no clue whatsoever.  I think I am really sad that someone dropped the ball - because the one thing I know is - Ted would have really appreciated this award, Ted would have been humbled by this award, Ted would have been grateful for this award.  Someone truly took away a special moment for a truly special man.  I am sad that moment was taken away from him because they didn't take the time to appreciate him.



  1. That makes me sad too. He is a great guy and deserved to be recognized for this award not finding out this way by passing it by and spotting his name out of the corner of his eye.):


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