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Being Grandma CoCo

I love being a grandma.  I love each and every one of my kiddos with all my heart.  Every time I see them, my heart melts.  Every time I talk to them, my heart melts.  Every time I hear something fun or cute they have said or done, my  heart melts.  There is nothing more special than seeing these little humans that your children have made.  It is almost more gratifying than watching your own kids grow and flourish, because in a way, I helped create them.

I have five grandbabies.  Granted, I didn't help in the creation of three of them - but, I love them just the same.  I absolutely love each and every one of them.  I get to spend more time with my Zacharoo and my Princess Poop more than the other three, but, I adore any time I get to see or hear from them all.

Let's start with Aedynn.  What am amazingly smart kid.  He is definitely all boy.  He and Zachary both remind me of each other, because they are boys.  They are loud, they are crazy and they love to let you know it.  They want to be heard!!  Aedynn is a kid that loves soccer, he is very good at it.  He loves to read!!  What a great thing, especially for a boy.  So many boys don't like to read, because they want to play.  Though we haven't had much time to spend together - I love it when I hear his voice and he says, "Hi Grandma CoCo".  It's an amazing feeling.  The very first time I got to spend any time with him, he was five years old.  We took him to visit his great grandparents and took him to the Dinosaur Discovery Center in Grand Junction.  When he wasn't being busy - he was very angry that he was with these two crazy people he didn't know.  He did warm up - by the time we saw him again - when he moved here to live with his mom and stepdad - but, he was eight at the time.  But, I am so glad I got to spend those few months with him - I am excited to see where his life takes him.

Zachary is my next one.  Another amazingly awesome and smart kid.  Again, he is all boy - he loves to go crazy and run and play.  He has a very difficult time keeping his behind still - he likes to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.  But, while he is wiggling, he does like to pay attention to what he is doing.  He likes to play video games and watch shows.  I got to help him with his math one evening.  There we were, sitting in the middle of McDonalds, doing math.  He would wiggle, wiggle, wiggle all the while he was doing the problems.  I was pretty impressed with how easily he actually did with the problems.  He is very social and loves to make friends with kids - doesn't matter who they are, what they look like, what color their skin, if they are male or female - just as long as they want to hang out with him.

Chelsea is my little princess.  The one I get to spend the most time with.  I get to hang out with her almost every Friday morning and we go do something here or something there.  We go shopping, we have gone to a movie, we do lunch or we just come to my house and hang out and watch shows.  She is such a smiley girl.  You can't pass her by, because she just has this awesome smiling face.  She loves to talk.  Oh my heck, she is the chattiest thing ever - but, I love every word that comes out of her mouth.  She loves to dance.  I love that her mom went to the lengths that she did to find her the perfect preschool - one that she goes to preschool and then she goes to dance.   Right now, she is playing soccer.  I was pretty amazed by her.  Her first game was on Tuesday.  The first couple of runs to the goal, she and her friend Stevie stood there and watched and didn't move.  Then she and Stevie engaged in some awesome soccer playing - Stevie scored one goal and Chelsea scored the other.  She is the only girl on her team.

Lydia is my other little princess.  I had the luck of having her live with me for a few months.  I got to watch her grow.  I got to watch her take her first steps.  I got to watch her have her very first birthday.  She and Chelsea remind me a lot of each other.   Both girlie girls.  Lydia's favorite thing in the world is My Little Pony right now.  It's her birthday in a couple of weeks.  They are in the middle of a BIG move from Alabama to Arizona - so I am trying to make sure she has a birthday present from us when she gets to her new home.  I am so glad that Aedynn and Lydia are moving closer because I am looking forward to the easier ability to spend time with them.  I am excited that I may get to see them at least once a year and watch them as they grow and mature.

Gabriel is the youngest - right now.  What a funny kid.  He has the perpetual look of someone who is thinking about something.  Kind of a furled brow consistently.  But, every once in a while he will smile at you and give you a look that will melt your pea-pickin' heart.  He had a hard time warming up to me at first.  He liked his Papa, but, he wasn't too sure about me.  He lives in Idaho, so he only sees me two or three times a year.  Now, I am happy to report, I am one of his favorite people.  When he sees me, he will get that grin and say, "Grandma CoCo!" and he will run to me and throw his arms around my neck and snuggle in deep.  He is a very chatty kid - and like Chelsea, says a lot of things that makes me giggle.

That's just a little glimpse into my babies.  I love them dearly and I hope they always love me!!


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