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I'm back!!! To work that is!!

I am back to work after a nice several days off. I stuffed a lot into those days off and I had an awesome time off!! I know it thrills you, because my inane ramblings are so very exciting. My entire life is so very exciting that you can't help but be enraptured by the very thought of hearing everything I did on my summer vacation!!! Tell me it isn't true!! Just go ahead and tell me!!!

July 14: Well, since my son is no longer working for Lagoon and getting me those once a month awesome deals, we went to Lagoon on my work day. We had a lot of fun. Ted worked and showed up in time for dinner. We took the kids on lots of rides. Because Zach and Chelsea are getting bigger, their experiences are getting bigger, too. They went on Bombora and have since decided it is their very favorite. Crystal also took Zach on the Zipper. He liked it, but only wanted to go once. They also went on the Jet Star. I have to say a BIG thank you to Rustie and Raja - they took the kids on the Paratrooper ride. Chelsea couldn't ride on it alone or with Zach and needed someone to go with her. So Aunt Rustie went. I was very grateful, because when I saw those big tears in her eyes because she wasn't big enough, I was not about to let her miss it!!

July 15: We decided to have a dinner and fireworks show. I made Fettuccine Alfredo (wasn't nearly as good as the first time I made it). What Crystal didn't know, we were adding a small birthday party to it, too. She got Lemon Tart instead of cake..but, mmmm mmm good!!! We had a fireworks show that night. My little neighborhood does not have very wide streets and let me tell you, those aerial fireworks rained down upon us with soot and stuff. I was a little scared of them!!

July 16: Was Sweepstakes Club!! We had lunch at Iggy's in South Jordan and gabbed and talked about sweepstakes. It was lots of fun - alot of people showed up!!!

July 17: Apparently not exciting enough for me to remember anything. So, sorry!!!

July 18: Had an awesome date with Zachary!! We had a lot of fun. We went to see The Green Lantern. Not an awesome movie, but Zach loved it!!! After that, he and I picked up Chelsea to go buy birthday presents for their mom. We were going to go to Target, but, once in the car, Zach said they decided they wanted to go to Toys R Us. After wandering around for about an hour, Zach picked a mini Patriotic Pillow Pet for his mom. He declared it would be her very favorite pillow ever!! Chelsea got her mom a little bunny Pet Shop thing or something like that. We went and got some bags at the dollar store (as well as a prize for each of them) and I took them home and told them to hide them so they can give them to their mom the next day. After opening her present from Chelsea, she declared she wanted to play with her bunny.

July 19: Crystal's birthday. I now have a daughter that is 30 years old. Just the sound of that makes me feel old. I am going to be 50 next year, but that doesn't make me feel nearly as old as having a daughter that is 30. Her mother-in-law came to town and took all of us out to dinner (Thanks, Sandee).

July 20: What's good for the gander is good for the goose. Chelsea and I go on a date. She and I went to see Winnie the Pooh. Not a movie I would pick to see, but, she enjoyed it!! She was enamored from beginning to end. For both movies, they each got a kids meal that had popcorn, a drink and a treat. I have to say, it was so much fun to spend this bit of quality time with each of them. We are going to have to do it again.

July 21 and 22: Nothing real significant. My kiddos left with their "other" grandma and went to Milford and are still gone. Did some shopping. Got my toes done. Had HOA board meeting. Nothing too crazy!!

July 23: I got some awesome seats for the Bees baseball game from a very nice connected person. These tickets were down low and right behind home plate. No sitting in the sun. This was a veeerry long game!!! The Bees got 10 runs in the first inning and 4 in the second. It was a long game!! There were fireworks afterward and I have to say, the Bees fireworks shows are probably some of the best there are. We had a lot of fun. I had ten tickets and since my kiddos are gone, my son-in-law is gone, my son had to work so he and my daughter-in-law were not available, I had to scramble to find people to go with us. We gave them all away except two. It was a lot of fun.

July 24: When we got home from the game, Ted was already feeling a little pukish. I went to bed, but apparently he was up all night throwing up and other stuff. So, he missed the barbecue at my mom's house. So many of my family was there. Tasty food, good company.

July 25: Back to work. So sad!! But, it was a the recognized holiday (Pioneer Day), so I got to wear my jeans (YAY!). We planned a lunch of hot dogs, potato salad, pasta salad, chips, brownies, ice cream and so much more. I ATE SO MUCH FOOD!!! I kept telling everyone that I had abs of steel - and not because I am ripped, but, because there was so much food in my gut there was no further room!!! Oh, I was miserable!! That night, Ted and I went to see Transformers. Now, I'd like to tell you it was good, I would like to tell you it was bad - but, I can't do that. I had to keep leaving the theater because I was getting text messages and phone calls - work issues. I can tell you that Bumble Bee is still awesome and Optimus Prime still has a sexy voice. I did get to see some Transformer fightin' and that was cool!!

July 26: Gonna go work overtime at work. I didn't have to be there until 10:30. I wake up and instantly know that whatever Ted had, I now have. I make it through my very long five and a half hours of work and come home. When I leave, I know that I am sick!! I just know that if I throw up, I will feel so much better!! I get home and all I want to do is sit on my couch. The only thing I have eaten all day is three leftover hot dog buns at work. Bread sounds good, like it will soak up and diminish the acid that is building up in my system. KayeLynn had brought me home a treat and I found a note on it "it sounded like you were having a bad day so here is a treat. It was some of the pink wintergreen mints. Someone got me addicted to them in Disneyland (ahem, Carol!!). So, for some reason, they sound delicious. I eat the whole package and still sit on the couch. I get the chills, I take a hot bath. I get real nauseated again. I go back to my couch and finally have that feeling and I get to throw up. Now those wintergreen mints made it a more pleasant experience, I do have to say. However, the mess they made was not. I had Ted come up and lean before me because apparently I didn't realize when I cleaned up my mess, that I missed some. I think he thought I had been hemorrhaging and that he needed to call an ambulance. Poor guy - I have to say, I was pretty thrilled by his concern.

July 27: My only day off now until next Thursday. I have to work the next seven days straight. I have pretty much spent it on the couch, doing some laundry and some cleaning. I have been watching America, The Story of Us. I am finishing up this series while taking it easy today. If you get a chance to watch this show, please do. It is amazing. Especially if you love history, like I do. Tomorrow is another big day, I have four new kids starting at work and I am responsible for them. I am so excited!! Hopefully, I feel much, much, much better!!!


  1. Wow. I hope your feeling better. I too have been on the couch...but no throwing up :)

    Please...please, don't scare away the new people. We need everyone we can get!!


  2. I'm glad you are feeling better. America the story of us is awesome!


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