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The Men in My Life!!

So, a couple of months ago, I wrote about the special women in my life. Today, I would like to pay special hommage to the men in my life, especially since tomorrow is Father's Day. I have some guys in my life that have all my love and respect. They bring a smile to my face, help me when I'm in trouble and bring so much happiness to me.

Ted: I talk about Ted alot. About how he drives me crazy, but, that I love him dearly. I tease him alot, because he is the biggest geeky dork I have ever known. However, since most of the men in my life are geeks and dorks, then it's safe to assume that I have a soft spot for men of that calibre. Anyway, Ted has always been very good to me. We very, rarely fight. However, I nag and harp on him constantly - and he just smiles and nods. He is freaking adorable that way. I love traveling with him, we get along so very well. We have done lots of road trips, we have done some nice vacations and no matter where we go, we just love being together. And then there are the times I just take off and leave him alone. I come home at times and say, "hey, Elaine and I" or "my mom and I" or something to that extent are going here, there or anywhere, we'll be back in this many days. He just says OK. How lucky am I?? I love you dearly my geeky dork!!

James Rodger: My Baby Boy!! It kills me and thrills me to see him so grown up. He is such an amazing and sensitive and strong man. When he's at work, he is so professional - he won't even acknowledge me when I'm doing the geek wave!! But, he has always allowed me to kiss him on the cheek in public, give him huge hugs in front of his friends and do a crazy dance while in a public place. He is so passionate about what he does. It's awesome to see him have such a love about what he has chosen for his career path. And then there is his passion about his girlfriend, Rustie. I always knew that when my son gave his heart away, it would be for life and with all his heart. I know that when he told me the other day that he wanted to get engaged to Rustie I lost every ounce of oxygen in my system. I knew it was going to happen, but, it still shocked me - - I still remember the little boy and am absolutely positive he's still a little boy - - so how can he think about being married?? I love this man/boy with every ounce of my being. I am so proud of him and know that his dad is proud of him, too.

Brandon: I have talked about the day I met Brandon, but, the day I remember most about Brandon is the day my daughter told me she was expecting my grandson. They really had not been dating very long, but, they were a very good couple and I could tell that Brandon was very special to her, they were together every minute they could be. That day, Crystal was very somber. We were moving her out of one apartment and into another one. She was acting so upset, I was so positive that she and Brandon were on the verge of breaking up, and I really, really loved this guy and hoped they were going to spend their lives together. Well, we got her all moved into her new apartment and she called me inside. They sat me down and told me that she was pregnant. I had all the usual anticipatory concern, would he be there for her? After taking some physical abuse from me, where I think I left some bruises, he convinced me that she was not going to be alone, that he was going to be there. And, he has been. They were engaged pretty quickly after that and were married shortly after Zachary was born. They are a great team and he's a great dad. He's a great addition to our family.

Joe: Joe and I bonded pretty well. He and Randi are quite a good team, I have to say. I am sad that they moved back, but, in the long run, it's probably a good move for them. I hope their future is bright and wonderful.

Russ: I was the luckiest girl in my family. I had a big brother. None of the other girls did, they all had a little brother, but, I have a big brother. Unfortunately, for him, that meant that he had a little sister. A pesky, annoying little sister. He has always been so special to me. When George died, I would try to be pretty stoic and strong, but the minute I saw my "big brother", it seemed that I would lose it. It was like he was the one person I needed to cry on and he would let me. He is so awesome and I love being with him when we get the chance.

There are lots of others that I could spend hours writing about. There are my brothers-in-law, three men who have been around since I was just a little girl. They all had a hand in raising me and though they are all so different, they were so great to me. There is my father-in-law, who is an extremely interesting man who has done so many different things with his life, newspaperman, photographer, professor.

There are the new men in my life, my grandsons!! They have themselves wrapped so strongly around my heart that it is amazing; Zachary, Aedynn and Gabriel, I love watching you all grow and seeing what you are becoming. All so very smart!!

There are the men that I have lost. My dad; what a strong and great man. He had such a strong hand, but loving heart. There is George; you gave me my babies and for that I will forever be grateful - they are awesome people!! I miss you and I love you.


  1. The comment regarding Rodger, I so can relate. :) (just think, more grandbabies!)

  2. You made me teary. That was a beautiful post.


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