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Things That Make You Go HMMMMMM - - - - - #26

Last night, Ted and I went to the Bees baseball game.  It wasn't what we planned to do.  We talked about Bingo and I suggested a movie.  Then my BFF said that she had a couple of leftover tickets to the game and I decided to steal them from her.  It was the PMAA (Police Mutual Aid Association) night there - and it's quite the fun night to go.

Ted's re-enactment of the scene
I can honestly say - I didn't pay much attention, I was having too much fun playing with Kenzi (BFFs granddaughter) and watching people.  Saw some pretty astonishing and crazy things - because I paid more attention to that than I did anything else.

About the only time I would pay much attention would be when people would be going, "heads up" "look out" "WHOOOAAAA".   Somewhere around the middle of the game, that is the noise I heard, so I looked up and watched the ball going right over my head.  No big deal, went right over my head and to the upper deck.  I went back to what I was doing.  What I didn't see was it hit the rail or something and bounced back.  All I saw was this thing dropping from the sky in front of me.  What I also didn't see was that it literally fell right in front of me and straight into my Diet Coke.  Next thing I know, my Diet Coke was spilled all over in front of me and Ted was holding the ball.  He had snatched it out of my cup and spilled the contents all over.

I grabbed the ball out of his hand, said "I earned that ball" and handed it to Kenzi.  I figured she would enjoy it much more than me.  I waited about an hour and went and got me a new Diet Coke.  All in all - - what a great way to spend an evening.

Kenzi with the ball!!  Stole this pic from Facebook!!!  :)

Here is Ted's version of the story:

There we were. My lovely wife and I at the Salt Lake Bees home game against Las Vegas (the font on the Las Vegas uniforms is the one used for Star Trek (The Original Series)). We were seated in the lower deck on the 3rd base side when Bees Right Fielder Matt Heim steps up to bat. He swings and misses and lets go by a couple balls. Then he whacks one real good... a foul ball into the upper deck on the 3rd base side. We watch as it sails over our heads and way up in the upper deck out of sight beyond where we were sitting. Then all of a sudden here it comes flying crashing down almost right between Colleen and I landing right smack dab in the middle of her large cup of diet coke that was placed in the cup holder directly in front of her. She had not understood what had happened ... however if she had moved any bit forward in her seat she would have been beaned directly . The photo is of course a re-enactment as I had removed the ball almost immediately to force the claiming issue that it was captured and hers. Just one of those one in a million chances... maybe we need to go to Idaho and get lottery tickets or to Nevada and hit the slots...


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