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What a DAY!! or two!!!

This story starts out yesterday morning. I had my "routine preventative office visit" at my doctor. First thing, the medical assistant take my blood pressure and it was like 145 over 92. I said, uh uh - no way. So she takes it again - took it down to 138 over 86. The last thing in the world I need is for my doctor to say I have high blood pressure - so I was glad it got down a bit the second time. When he comes in, we start the discussion with anything going on with you - any problems. I tell him the usual, back hurts, shoulders hurt, neck hurts. I also tell him that I think I am starting menopause and he says he was gonna ask, after all - I will be FIFTY soon. He asks what symptoms I have - I list a couple; dry skin, lack of libido, insomnia. He says there are hormone pills and there are sleeping pills - but I really am not interested in more chemicals entering my body and doing who knows what, especially hormones. So, he suggests soy powder or any other soy products. He said that studies noticed that Asian woman have less problems with the side effects of menopause. They attribute it to the increased soy intake. He also indicates that women who exercise have less issues, too - especially with the sex drive thing (I figure with that little bit of information, Ted will be dragging ME to water aerobics!!) He also asks if I still have stomach issues - Which I do. He says that I will be due for a colonoscopy next year, so we'll just have them do a scope of my upper GI when they do the other end. Oh great, tubes upstairs - tubes downstairs!!

So, it gave me the desire to get my focus back - I haven't had it for a while. So, I went to the store and got my soy powder. I got me lots and lots of fruit. I have never really been a watermelon fan - but, holy crap, I've been craving watermelon and this one I got at Costco is mighty tasty!! Ted and I went to water aerobics last night, for the first time in a few weeks.

Now, let me tell you about my mom. My mom is 83 and skinny as a rail She wasn't always this way, but, she had a gastric bypass surgery about 30 years ago. She has always stayed skinny since then. She is active, she walks, she uses her stationary bike, she eats like a bird. But, she COOKS TOO MUCH!! When she does this, she tries to give me the leftovers - I am sure she offers them to others, too. So, last week when we my brother and I were over there working on her yard, she told me she wanted me to take her leftover carrot cake home. I told her I didn't want it, because I would eat it. She told me to take it home to Ted. I told her no, because Ted is fat, too and doesn't need it either. Well, today, I am over there and she has a berry cobbler there and wants me to take it home. I tried leaving without it - but, she made me take it home anyway. When I got it home, I opened up the old Cool Whip container and looked at it. Stuck my finger in it to give it a taste and realized if it was in my house, I would eat the entire thing. I love sweets and if they are in my house, I will eat them. I threw it in my trash. My mom sent it home "so it wouldn't go to waste". Sorry, mom, it's waste. I just can't have it there.

I decided to go ride the stationary bike at the fitness center. I set a goal of 45 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down. I went 18 miles on that stationary bike.
I was pretty impressed with myself. I sweat like I haven't sweat in a long time - oh, I remember, spin class!! I did reward myself, I went an got myself some more workout gear and a pair of capris afterward. Eh, I deserved it.

POST SCRIPT!! I posted this blog and as soon as I did, there was an ad next to it about menopause - HOLY CRAP, I swear that is the fastest filter ever!!


  1. Hmmmm. I bet there are people at work that would love your mom's desserts!! Just say'n.



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