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Falling Down!!!

It's not like it is a habit of mine. And, the last time I remember doing it was when I was in Florida, with my very best friend, Elaine. That was several years ago. In fact, if you want to see her pee her pants, just ask her about me falling down in Florida. It automatically brings her to tears and she can't talk because she is laughing so hard. But, this year, I have fallen down twice in the last couple of months. Both times, it has been extremely traumatic to me.

First time: It was raining pretty hard. It was in the early spring. I was driving my mother over to Comcast to upgrade her cable television. She was told to bring the remote control and of course, we forgot it. So, we turned around and went back to the house. I pushed the button to get into the garage and the garage door was opening. Well, because it was raining, I had my head down and I wasn't looking. You've got it, I ran smack dab into the garage door because it hadn't opened all the way. I fell flat on my behind into a large puddle of rain water. I swore that I must have scalped myself, so I just sat there stunned in the puddle of water feeling my head to see if I was bleeding or what. I finally hauled myself up to see my little 82-year-old mother looking over the dashboard at me from my car. When I got to the car after going in to get the remote, she asked me if I was ok. Now, it wasn't a concerned, "are you ok?", it was a I'm trying not to laugh and I'm straining my voice trying not to lose control and laugh at you, "are you ok?" I went to the cable company with soaking wet pants and a goose egg.

Second time: this happened today. My beautiful daughter-in-law to be asked me if I wanted to go look at wedding dresses with her. We actually had quite a good time, just the two of us. It was really good for us to have this time alone, since we really hadn't spent much time together and what time we have spent together has been with my son and others around. So this was some great one-on-one time. We went to David's Bridal and looked there and didn't find anything too wonderful. Then we went to Frenze to look. When she was changing into her clothes after trying on a couple of gowns, I said that I was going to go to the bathroom. I go in, do my business and then I'm walking out wash my hands. Not noticing the floor is wet, my feet start to slide out from under me. At this point, there is no stopping me from going down and I land on my Chelsea described, "big big butt". I am again, sitting in a puddle of water. I have pulled some muscle or something in my hip/butt, to the point I can barely walk. I have some type of scrape or something on the top of my foot. AND I have wrenched my shoulder to the point I can barely move it.

For a second time this year, I had to continue where I was going with soaking wet britches and my pride hurt more than you'll ever know!!


  1. LOL. I have fallen this past year several times myself. I have to remember I'm getting older & have to pay attention instead of just running around like I'm 25!


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