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CoCo's Journey - The Notorious Dr. Z

When I get my dressing charges
I must wear a mask.  The nurse, too. 
So we don't get germs on it!!

So, I thought I would share a little bit more about how I got here.  But I'm going to be discussing how I was medically gaslighted, (gaslit -- who knows) and was not treated properly.  And due to that, I am now where I am.

When I had my collapse on November 19, 2022, after my knee replacement, I was taken to the emergency room.  The doctor there is the one that told me I was malnourished.  He told me I needed to follow up with my primary care physician (PCP).  When I went to make an appointment with said PCP, I found out my PCP had left the organization, and I no longer had one.  After explaining my situation, they decided to set me up with an appointment with Dr. Z.  I was fine with it, because I needed to get to a doctor. 

My first visit, he seemed OK.  But I found him a bit odd.  I'm completely fine with odd, as long as they know what they are doing.  He comes in and does this very weak fist bump and introduces himself as Dr. Z.  I tell him what is going on, that I was diagnosed with malnutrition.  "Well, you need to make yourself eat.  Eat peanut butter".  I'm going to have them draw your blood.  You need a colonoscopy.  You're in luck, I do colonoscopies.  Pretty much the extent of my first visit.  No real plan, besides peanut butter, and I need a colonoscopy.

I got a message from him, "your blood test look fine.  Dr. Z."

I went back a couple months later for my annual.  I've lost even more weight.  I'm struggling with food, but I'm trying really hard to eat.  He tells me he's going to have my blood drawn, they'll call me to set up my colonoscopy.  Oh, and you're still losing weight, eat peanut butter.  

This is when I'm really starting to get a bit irritated, because I don't love peanut butter enough to eat it that much!!!!

I get a message from him, "your blood tests look fine.  Dr. Z."

I needed my meds refilled.  I've been on thyroid meds for almost three decades. He makes me come in.  I get charged every time.  My insurance has just turned over.  I have to pay out of my pocket to go in for him to send in the same prescription. 

We go on like this for the about a year and a half.  Anytime he takes my blood, "your blood tests look fine, Dr. Z."   He decided to send me for a Dexascan.  It's a bone density scan.  He makes me come in to find out that I have osteopenia. It's the level before developing osteoporosis.  I'm put on a medication for that should stop the progression.  It was during this visit that I thought, I am so done with this dude. When he came in, he had a can of something.  He came in and did his usual weak fist bump and introduces himself again (like we've never seen each other before).  After a few questions, he told me to get on the exam table.  He walks around me and suddenly sprays my face with whatever is in the can he has.  No warning.  No, hey, you have a bit of a strange spot, do you mind if I freeze it?  Nope, reached up, sprayed my face and then told me why.  I got a bill, I was charged $99 for surgery!!!  I was livid.  Oh, and you're still too thin, eat peanut butter.  I left saying I needed to get a new freaking doctor. 

The very last time I saw him, he says, well your proteins are kind of low, you should see a liver doctor.  You're in luck, we have one here.  And he referred me to Dr. Fed.

The first time I saw Dr. Fed, he was so angry going over my test results.  He says, you have been low for two straight years.  He's reading his notes, "your blood tests look fine.  Dr. Z"   and he went off.  I had never seen a doctor get angry at another doctor.  He asked me if he had adjusted my thyroid meds, because they were very, very close to being low.  I had lost a lot of weight, so my needs were different.  Nope, whenever tested it would say, "your blood tests look fine.  Dr. Z."

It was during one of my visits with Dr. Fed that he said, I would never let one of my family members see him.  I asked him if he had a recommendation for me.  So, he gave me a card for my new and current doctor.  Who I really like.  Though, I had only seen him once when I got my cirrhosis diagnosis.  And he got stuck in the middle of my home health care mess, because Dr. Fed was not in.  But, he's been great to work with.  

That is why I blame Dr. Z. for where I am now.  If he had sent me to Dr. Fed earlier, I may have been able to be completely healed.  No liver damage.  No liver scarring.  Instead, I've been through a little bit of hell and should never have been.


I told you I did a lot of canning!!!
his week has been pretty amazing.  The TPN nutrition seems to be doing its job.  I've been busy, busy, busy!!!  I have had so much energy, I am rarely sitting.  I have been cleaning, all over the place, gardening and canning.  Like crazy canning!!! Tomorrow,  KayeLynn and I are heading out to go visit my bonus daughter in Colorado.  Looking forward to getting away a little bit.  IVY and Chef Piccard will be with me.  Luckily, I only have to be hooked up twelve hours now, so they shouldn't interfere with a good visit!!

I go back to work on Monday.  I think I'm ready.  Luckily, I just start out with two days.    


  1. Wrote a long comment and not sure what here gpes again....
    Sorry you have to go through this over a doctors laziness and neglect.. I too had a lazy dr who spent 5 min with me or less each appt.. my mother can not walk straight bc a doctor didn't listen and basically screwed her back up bc of negligence.just font feel doctors care like they used you and sorry you are going through this...

    1. I don't think they have the connection that they used to. I had the very best doctor a few years ago. And sadly he left and went to the VA. I miss him so much. This would never have happened had he been there. He was always so considerate. I'm so sorry about your mom. That is so frustrating!!!

  2. Wow that is insane Colleen...I cannot believe the incompetence... thank God for Dr. Fed... im so sorry you have been through so much with what seems to be pure neglect... keeping you in my daily prayers girlie... hang in there... you're a rockstar.. love ya Kimmie k

    1. Thank you lovie!!! I do appreciate it!!

    2. That is so awful. Sorry that quack messed you up so badly. Wonder if you can leave him a bad review. Sometimes you can on their websites. I’m so sorry twinner. Just keep getting better we all love you tons. 🙏🏻🙏🏻😡😡

    3. I think the oversight of Doctor patient has lagged. There is supposed to be a standard of care and suggested protocol for action to take for helping patient achieve greatest health results. Too much emphasis on how many patients can we overbook today? Kind of thing. I hear more and more stories if medical nightmares. You got a lot of prayers going up for you,and you are going to overcome this! May I please have some of your extra energy?❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂

  3. I'm so sorry you went through this. Long ago doctors spent a lot of time with you. Now you really have to be your own advocate.....I'm so glad you did this. I have a friend that was dismissed by several doctors. She was in a lot of pain and thought it was tick Bourne illness. They all told her no....she found a specialist and it was a tick Bourne disease.

    1. It's crazy. KayeLynn has trouble all the time when she goes to doctors. She went in with a horrible muscle strain in her leg. She couldn't walk, I had to get her a wheelchair to get into the ER. She had been sunburned on her leg. It was red, but not painful. The ER doctor got so focused on that he couldn't see anything else. He kept saying to put aloe on it. I was literally yelling at him that this had nothing to do with her sunburn, there was something wrong with the muscle. He wouldn't budge. The discharge papers said rub aloe on it. It's become a joke between us when we have doctors gaslight us. We say to rub aloe on it.

    2. And that is horrible about your friend. Nobody should have to suffer that long. GAH!!!

  4. This Dr should lose his license! Oh my - I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. But dang look at you go when you’re feeling good!


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