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I'm Sorry - It's You, Not Me. And We May Need to Take a Break

The last few days I've been noticing an anxious feeling.  An exhausted feeling.  It's such a habit and such a addiction that I feel that I need to break it.  I'm talking about Facebook. 

It's becoming such a divisive and horrible place to linger.  It's becoming a spiral of negative.  It's been coming on for the last few years and I've truly come to the end of my rope and I'm trying to break the habit.  It truly is a habit.  It's on my phone - I pick it up and I look at it just for no reason.  No reason other than to be dragged down by it. 

It used to be fun to look at people's pictures.  It used to be fun to see the funny videos.  It used to be fun to see the animal pictures.  It used to be fun to see what people share.  Now, people share stuff that most of us don't want to deal with.  It's political, it's negative.  I don't understand why we have to post all this garbage - which most of it is false anyway.  Both sides.  Seeking the truth first doesn't seem to matter much anymore.  People will see something, it's what they want to believe, and they share it. 

Facebook put a "snooze for 30 days" option on.  I've snoozed ten people in the last two days, because I don't want to see anymore.  But, it just doesn't feel like it's enough.

Let me put it more strongly - - you're not going to change my mind.  I'm not going to change your mind.  Don't overwhelm my feed with your crap.  Keep it to yourself.  Read all this stuff you want - - - and I'll read what I want - - - and we'll keep it to ourselves.  When I want an opinion, I'll ask for it.  We can have a discussion. 

And for that reason, I'm trying to be more reasonable with my Facebook time.  I'm trying to hang out on Instagram, where those pictures went that I love to look at.  I'm going to Facebook to play my games and hope there is a picture or two of my grandchildren - and then I am trying to put my computer, my phone, my IPad down and not get sucked into the quagmire of what people think.  Nobody is getting Happy Birthdays anymore, because I'm avoiding it.  So Happy Birthday this year, maybe next - - - Hope it's a great one!!!!

Bring back the kiddy, animal pictures.  Bring back the funny videos.  But until then, I'm tired.


  1. Sounds like you are doing what President Nelson has asked the youth (and everyone else) to do: Taking a fast of 7 days from social media to see how much better your life can be. He acknowledge that there can be a lot of good from the internet, but a lot of bad also.


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