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Getting Healthy, Losing Weight and Humiliation

I've made no secret that I'm doing Weight Watchers.  I started at the end of April.  At this point, I am down just under 34 pounds.  Yesterday, I had the greatest experience hitting a milestone I have not really seen in ten years.  I actually had a sit down and told Ted about my loss, where I started and where I am now.  I started crying and it caused him to get all weepy with me.  I am extremely proud of my accomplishment.

I have not been moving as much as I would like to do.  I was doing great, walking and moving before fall hit - and then I pretty much stopped.  So - yesterday at my meeting, we had to set a goal for January, February and March.  My goal was to get down at least eight more pounds.  And to either go to the fitness center or walk at least twice a week.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but I get a lot of steps on the days that I work.  So - I figured if I set a goal of two days a week, it was something I could meet.

That brings me to today.  The fitness center has a class for cardio kickboxing.  Oh my gosh - I thought that sounded like so much fun!!!  Last week I wanted to go - but because of a bad night, I didn't get up in time to do it and I was just plain old exhausted.  So - today was the day I was going to go!!!!   I get all dressed in my cute sports bra/tank, get my workout pants on, get my walking shoes on, grab my water and I'm out the door.  I'm so going to conquer this stinking class!!  I'm going to be amazing!!!  Ten minutes in - - WHAT THE HELL am I doing???   I grab a drink of water and rest for a moment and I go back.  OK - here we go, kick, punch, jump, kick punch, up, down, kick, punch.  Well, when I punch up above my head, I am suddenly hit with a lightheadedness.  It's common with me.  I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder to neck area.  If I even raise my arm in a certain way, I get a rush to my head and I'm lightheaded.  It happens at work all the time when I check the assignments on the boards on the wall and I have to use the mouse.

Me being so cocky before heading off to kickboxing
class.  Yeah - that didn't work out so well
So - this lightheaded girl grabs a drink of water and heads outside the dance class area and sit down to try and get it to subside.  Five minutes later, the instructor is checking on me.  Tell me to come back when I'm feeling well.  I get up and go back  in.  We are working with jump ropes.  I am trying to jump rope and I look like Bessie the Cow - I can't do a full rotation.  When I was younger, I was a champ - but, holy crap - I looked ridiculous.  Start up again - get that arm over my head - and here I am down again.  Have to go sit back down again.  I decided it was time to give up.  I wasn't getting anything out of this class.  So - I went up to the track and walked for 25 minutes and realized how much I really love walking.

So - I guess it's water aerobics, stationary bikes and walking for me.  No more thinking I'm not going to be 55 in a few weeks.  It's time to think about doing Silver Sneakers classes, because apparently, I'm not as young as that 65 year old woman who was jumping around and looking like a champ in the kickboxing class.  Maybe when I'm in a little better shape.


  1. I'm proud of you for just trying..this article got me all bundled with nerves just waiting for you to try it..but i'm proud of you!!!

  2. You should be very proud of yoyrself! The struggle is real and I'm right there with you, buddy. I'm proud of you too!


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