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Annual Date With Color - 2016

Road trip!!!  Ted and I try and go places to see the fall colors.  The last two years, we've gone out of state to do it - 2014 we went to Portland, Oregon and 2015 we went to Rapid City, South Dakota.  This year, we stayed local.  We went on the Mirror Lake Scenic Drive and up to Evanston, then back on I-80 home.  Just want to share some photos to journal our journey.  I worked this morning - and it was a pretty rough morning - and as soon as I got home, I changed my clothes and off we went.  Here are our photos.

On our way up I-80

Rockport Lake

Rockport Lake - the tower sticking up there is an Osprey nest tower.  They built several of these towers for Osprey

Ted was so excited by this - he had to turn around and go back for a picture.  You'll appreciate it if you are a Dr. Who fan

I forgot to get my SD card for my camera. We had to stop and get one at the ACE Hardware store in Kamas.
So - this was our test selfie.  HAHA

Test foot shot.  Then we forgot to get any others.

There are signs.  They tell you, there may be cattle in the roadways.  And there were.  These guys came so close to the car,
Ted could have put his hand out and touched them.  He is sure they got cow pee on the car.

Provo River meandering it's way through the canyon

Another shot of the river.

Even the little sapling/tree starts are turning colors

Cutest little car climbed that mountain like it waas born to do it!!  

Yeah - I found this sign in the nasty open hole outhouse AFTER I climbed down the mountain, all alone, without my
phone, to take photos.  Thar be bars in them thar hills!!


Provo River Falls - - so pretty

Getting positions and ready to take selfies in front of the falls - - and accidentally took this one.  I actually like it!!

AWWZ - he likes me!!

This lake was adorable - - little teeny lake.  People out paddleboarding and kayaking.  One of my favorite spots

Teapot Lake

Bald Mountain

Mirror Lake

Me - at Mirror Lake

Another lake up front Mirror Lake.  
There is snow up there in that mountain!!

My math geeky guy wanted me to get a picture at 10,560 feet.  I missed it by eight.  At 10,560, we are two miles
above sea level.  

We had a great day, that ended with a mediocre dinner in Evanston - where everything is shut down on a Sunday.  A stop for lotto tickets and a bottle of wine.  And a drive home - that I was reallly, reallllly tired for.  But, we saw some beautiful scenery.  Utah has beautiful, beautiful scenery.  I was glad we got to see some today.  And it was a beautiful day for it.


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